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Modernizing Your Digital Operations with Sumo Logic and PagerDuty

As digital transformation continues to be central to an organization’s growth mandate, it’s critical to ensure that customer-facing, revenue-generating, mission-critical applications are operationally reliable and secure. That’s where Sumo Logic comes in—for almost 10 years, we have been providing a Continuous Intelligence platform for DevSecOps that’s utilized by over 2000+ customers in almost every vertical.

CentOS 8: a clone that reinvents itself

It has taken much longer than usual for the CentOS team to provide us with a new version of their operating system; however, the wait is over. The new CentOS 8 is here. CentOS, or Community ENTerprise Operating System, is a binary-level clone of the RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) distribution that can be accessed for free. For those unfamiliar with Red Hat, Red Hat offers open source, enterprise-oriented software solutions with enterprise-level support.

The Pragmatic Buyer's Guide to AIOps Platforms

It’s been said hundreds of times: in the digital era, customers tolerate no downtime. IT operations teams must keep systems running 24x7x365, as the price of downtime is steep. According to Gartner, in 2014, organizations lost $5,600 per minute of downtime, which worked out to well over $300,000 per hour. Today, it’s likely higher, as organizations increasingly rely on technology to power revenue-generating business services.

Chaos Engineering for ITOps

Chaos engineering (CE) is the discipline of experimenting on a system in order to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production. This approach is becoming commonplace in software development and operations (DevOps) practices. But how would its application extend to ITOps? CE for ITOps offers a similar framework for stress-testing a technology platform to understand its weak points and performance pitfalls under heavy pressure.

Announcing Runbooks

Since the beginning, we’ve wanted to make it faster, easier, and even a joy to respond to incidents. We’ve had the typical components of incident response for a while, but orchestrating them together was a manual task by our users. Today we’re marrying together all the features already available in our incident response tool into our newest release: Runbooks.

Java Profilers: Why You Need These 3 Different Types

Debugging performance issues in production can be a pain and, in some cases, impossible without the right tools. Java profilers have been around forever, but the profilers most developers think about are only one type: standard JVM profilers. However, using one type of profiler is not enough. Suppose you’re analyzing your application’s performance. There are multiple profiling activities which you may execute.

Q&A with Andrew Hewitt (Forrester)-Experience NYC '19

Experience NYC hosted several quality speakers but one in particular stood out to me for his unique message: Andrew Hewitt, a leading IT Analyst from Forrester. Probably the last thing you would expect to hear at an IT solutions conference is a captivating talk grounded in human psychology. Feelings? Perceptions? Beliefs? These topics don’t seem to fit nicely into bits and bytes. They’re perceived as foreign, un-engineer speak.

Network Throttling: Monitor the User Experience

When it comes to monitoring web application performance, not only is it necessary emulate user actions, but also network conditions of end-user devices. Network throttling allows you to control connection speeds to better match the experience of real users, allowing you to see web application behavior in specific network conditions. Network connections can vary for many reasons. User location, device type, and browser used are just a few factors that can affect a user’s experience.

Network Throttling: Monitor the User Experience

When it comes to monitoring web application performance, not only is it necessary emulate user actions, but also network conditions of end-user devices. Network throttling allows you to control connection speeds to better match the experience of real users, allowing you to see web application behavior in specific network conditions. Network connections can vary for many reasons. User location, device type, and browser used are just a few factors that can affect a user’s experience.

Screens Beta

Screens display a series of widgets that you can use to share across your organization. Widgets can display your log activity, from the number of logs ingested in the last 4 hours, to a line graph comparing today’s logs to yesterday’s logs. You can control the data you want to display by creating a “Screen” with a combination of different widgets. Post your screen on a company monitor to provide your organization with a snapshot of your system’s activity.