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Extending and Integrating the Monitoring System with Automation and Scripting

One of the hidden gems within eG Enterprise is the ability to perform remote actions and automated tasks using built-in functionality. In conversations with customers and community peers, I often get asked why we at eG Innovations don’t offer functionality in regard to adding custom scripts and a community database of shared scripts.

Q&A with Ziff Media Group: Why They Made the Switch to Kubernetes

Today’s leading companies are one step ahead of their competitors as they adopt new tools and disciplines emerging from the cloud native landscape. That was the case for Ziff Media Group, which is a collection of several media web properties including pcmag.com, mashable.com, deals.com, offers.com, and more.

Best practices for an effective remote team in the world of cloud delivery

Just like countless other business functions, cloud delivery has now shifted entirely to remote working for now and perhaps longer term. Canonical has been a remote-first company for some time, so we thought we’d take this opportunity to share some of the best practices we’ve learned along the way. Communication Effective communication between customers, engineers, and project managers is the most critical element of successful cloud delivery.

Guard Your Business Like a Warrior with These 10 Tools

Cybersecurity has been a core issue in business management and growth. As businesses try to manage more remote teams, it’s important now more than ever. With technology becoming an integral part of our everyday lives, we’re exposed to an ever-growing risk of cyber-attacks and malicious technological crimes. According to a recent study, on average, hack attacks occur every 39 seconds. That is, one in three Americans is a victim of cybercrime every year.

Top 5 Reasons for Enterprises to Modernize their Applications to Cloud

While the secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new, adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win. Enterprises that overlook modernization are sure to fail in fulfilling critical compliance and security problems thus, endangering both, their businesses and customers.

CI/CD Detection Engineering: Splunk's Security Content, Part 1

It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to take a break, come up for air, and write a blog for some of the amazing work the Splunk Threat Research team has done. We have kept busy by shipping new detections under security-content (via Splunk ES Content Update and our API). Also, we have improved the Attack Range project to allow us to test detections described as test unit files.

Nation-State Espionage Targeting COVID-19 Vaccine Development Firms - The Actions Security Teams Need To Take Now!

Throughout the duration of COVID-19, there have been consistent rumors of increased nation-state espionage. In parallel, many recent ransomware strains have a COVID-19 tie-in. Now the United Kingdom's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), published an advisory report that the threat group APT29 is targeting governmental, diplomatic, think-tank, healthcare and energy targets for intelligence gain which are involved in COVID-19 vaccines development and testing.

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Appfleet - an edge cloud platform for improving the efficiency of business processes - launched

Appfleet - an edge hosting platform that allows companies to easily deploy docker containers in multiple locations at the same time, improving the efficiency of business processes and reducing latency - is debuting on the market. Ultimately, this solution is to replace limiting and expensive serverless services, managed kubernetes solutions and complex multi-regional cloud deployments.

The LLMNR/NBT-NS strike

Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) and NetBIOS Name Service (NBT-NS) are two protocols that are used to identify a host address on a network when the DNS name resolution, which is the conventional method, fails to do so. When a DNS server is unable to resolve a request from a requester machine, the latter broadcasts a message to its peer computers asking for the location of the required server. Hackers leverage this operation to steal the credentials of the requester machine.

Introducing the Datadog IoT Agent

From smart thermostats and grocery store checkouts to public utility infrastructures and industrial manufacturing lines, the Internet of Things (IoT) is all around us—and growing larger every day. But with this rapid growth comes a number of operational challenges: IoT devices collect a large amount of data, and are often distributed across harsh, ever-changing environments.