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Mastering Azure Monitor, with Richard Benwell

With more and more businesses moving into the cloud, many of us are increasingly faced with the need to monitor our Azure applications in Azure Monitor – but where to start? If you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed by the platform’s sheer range of functionality, you’re not alone, and we’ve got some useful resources for you.

Announcing the Open Observability Conference

Today, I’m excited to announce the Open Observability Conference – a virtual event on May 27th at 11:00am EDT providing a platform for learning, sharing and discussion of open source observability technologies for DevOps teams around the globe. Register for the Open Observability Conference here.

StackStorm v3.2.0 released

May 1, 2020 By Eugen Cusmaunsa (@armab) and @punkrokk It happened! After a long wait, we’re more than excited to announce the StackStorm v3.2.0 release. The StackStorm project has had some turbulent times since the previous release almost one year ago. The new v3.2.0 version is the first release since the project joined the Linux Foundation, formed new Governance, and gathered a new team of Maintainers. Considering the amount of changes happened, it looks like a big restart for the project.

Page speed check: a comprehensive test of your site

Instant check You can run it any time from HostTracker main page for free - and it really helps to see how your website performs from different countries and find its weak spots, if there are any. Let us check what we see there, if we test google.com: Top line shows us basics about the loaded page: how many http requests have been made to complete it, if all of them were successful, its size and load time.

Christian Fröhlingsdorf joins iLert as new Chief ...

We are really excited to announce that Christian Fröhlingsdorf joins iLert as our Chief Technology Officer. Christian brings significant experience from senior roles in large industrial companies. He has held various positions within the REWE Group and played a key role in developing and growing a large microservice-based e-commerce marketplace for online grocery retail.

Mattermost localization: 700,000 translations, hundreds of contributors

Mattermost shipped with Spanish in version 2.0 on February 16, 2016. The effort was largely completed by our first translations contributor, Elias Nahum. The very next month, Mattermost shipped with Brazilian Portuguese, soon followed by French, Japanese, and more. Today, Mattermost ships in 16 languages, and 26 other languages are in progress. In total, hundreds of contributors have translated more than 700,000 words. 700,000 words. Wow! I am amazed by what our localization community has achieved.

Free Go Module Vulnerability Scanning in Visual Studio Code

If you’re a Golang developer using Visual Studio Code, keeping at-risk Go Modules out of your apps just got easier, and for free. Today we’re announcing a new version of the JFrog extension for VS Code, available for free download. This integration brings live vulnerability information about every public Go Module you’re using directly into your source editor from the rich metadata of JFrog GoCenter.

Integrating eG Enterprise with Microsoft Power BI for Application and Infrastructure Performance Analytics

Microsoft Power BI is a business analytics solution providing interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities from data and provides an interface that is simple enough for admins to create their own reports and dashboards. Data inputs to Power BI can come from multiple sources – Excel worksheets, CSV files, database tables, log files, the web, etc. It then employs smart visualizations and built-in AI technologies on that data to turn it into interactive insights.

Artificial Intelligence and IT - Keys to a Great AIOps Solution

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – once the basis of Science fiction is now reality. Though it is often accused of being a mere buzzword, it is very difficult to overstate its impact on the human experience, and as AI’s integration becomes more global it is necessary to understand its potential. It is important to zero in on what AI has to offer Information Technology and how integrating an AIOps driven IT department is beneficial to an enterprise.

Take huge leaps with Honeycomb for Incident Response

As engineering teams shift from delivering services on monolithic architectures to microservices and even serverless environments, developers are no longer just responsible for creating and maintaining their code. Shared ownership has become the new normal (or at least trending towards) and so they are now responding to production incidents and in some cases in the on-call rotation. Of course incidents vary in terms of impact, but they do take time away from innovation and creating new capabilities.