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Innovations in Voice Technology for the Warehouse

Do you remember when touch screens were just the worst? It wasn’t very long ago when touch screens required jamming your fingers on a screen over and over again without the screen registering anything. Chances were your configuration was off anyway so even if the screen caught your touch, it sent you to a different button than intended. In 15 short years, so much has changed in the world of touch screens.

SIEM Yara Rules

The tongue-in-cheek named malware detection tool, Yet Another Recursive Acronym (YARA) is described as “the pattern-matching Swiss Army knife for malware researchers (and everyone else)”. The Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM Enterprise platform is one of the first SIEM solutions to incorporate it as a built-in feature. This gives blue teamers an additional layer of detection built into the SIEM.

What is Continuous Application Improvement?

CAI stands for Continuous Application Improvement. It is a software improvement process that is implemented at each step of the SDLC, ensuring immediate feedback at each step rather than waiting till risk levels and impact has gone up. When you implement CAI you shift your improvement process as far left as possible and you catch software bugs and performance problems where they are introduced, eliminating countless hours of time spent chasing issues.

The Ultimate List of Digital Employee Experience Job Titles

Job titles are in constant flux these days, especially in the world of IT. While some can border on the bizarre and ambiguous (thinking of you, Mr. “Digital Sherpa” and “Software Ninja”) most titles reveal very specific clues about the nature of modern work and the changing demands of business. In the last few years, large enterprise companies have realized their digital employee experience is just as important as their digital customer experience.

Improving Kubernetes Clusters' Efficiency with Log Management

Log management plays an important role in helping to debug Kubernetes clusters, improve their efficiency, and monitor them for any suspicious activity. Kubernetes is an open-source cluster management software designed for the deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications.

Serverless is more than AWS Lambda

Too often serverless is equated with just AWS Lambda. Yes, it’s true: Amazon Web Services (AWS) helped to pioneer what is commonly referred to as serverless today with AWS Lambda, which was first announced back in 2015. But in 2020, it’s important for enterprises to understand that the serverless landscape is much bigger with more opportunities. Serverless is sometimes (narrowly) defined as just being about functions-as-a-service, but that’s a very limited viewpoint.

Power of CMDB in IT Digital Transformation

Whether we’re creating or managing on the fly with microservices, serverless compute, or containerization and APIs, digital rules everything around us. From IT operations, service delivery and asset management to even the fundamental makeup of our company’s core products and services, it’s all gone—or going—to the cloud.

Gen Z are here - and they're swiping, tapping and snapping Australian workplaces into a new era

Let’s assume that the average Australian university graduate enters the workforce somewhere between the ages of 21 and 24, bringing with them a qualification (or two, or three), a fierce determination to establish a secure career, and a finely-tuned radar for what’s authentic and what’s fake news.

Elastic on Elastic: Securing our endpoints with Elastic Security

This blog post is one in an occasional series about how we at Elastic embrace our own technology. The Elastic InfoSec team is responsible for securing Elastic and responding to threats. We use our products everywhere we can — and for more than just logs. By harnessing the power and breadth of capabilities of the Elastic Stack, we are working on tracking risk and performance metrics, threat intelligence, our control framework, and control conformance information within Elastic.

Mac system extensions for threat detection: Part 3

This is the third and final post of a three-part series on understanding kernel extension frameworks for Mac systems. In part 1, we reviewed the existing kernel extension frameworks and the information that these frameworks can provide. In part 2 we covered techniques that could be used in kernel to gather even more details on system events. In this post, we will go into the new EndpointSecurity and SystemExtensions frameworks.