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How we built our cloud migration strategy for Confluence

If you’ve ever created products that can be deployed in different types of environments, you know that it can be challenging to migrate between one and the other since the core architecture often needs to be very different. We learned this the hard way back in 2018 on Confluence, when a large number of customers trying to migrate from server to cloud were having problems. It was a challenging, prone-to-failure process that required a lot of attention and preparation from site admins.

The Rise of the Hybrid Cloud

Organizations of all sizes—but, in particular, the larger ones—view hybrid cloud infrastructures as the new normal. The Rightscale 2019 State of the Cloud Report from Flexera (registration required) surveyed close to 800 business, IT, and development professionals around the globe. They worked for both large and small organizations across a wide range of verticals.

Making the most of alerting in Opsgenie

For customer-facing SaaS companies, setting up an alerting tool is a no-brainer. In the current climate of always-on services, companies need assurance that customers are getting the service they demand and expect – all the time. But many organizations still struggle to notify the right people at the right time. If your data center is on fire and you alert Karen while she’s vacationing in the Greek Isles, you (and poor Karen) have a problem.

Homelab Security with OSSEC, Loki, Prometheus, and Grafana on a Raspberry Pi

For many years I have been using an application called OSSEC for monitoring my home network. The output of the application is primarily email alerts which are perfect for seeing events in near real-time. In this post, I’ll be showing you how to build a good high-level view of these alerts over time with Loki, Prometheus, and Grafana.

Zero to k3s Kubeconfig in seconds with k3sup

k3sup: From zero to KUBECONFIG in < 1 min K3s is an open-source, lightweight Kubernetes distribution by Rancher that was introduced this year and has gained huge popularity. People not only like the concept behind it, but also the awesome work that the team has done to strip down the heavy Kubernetes distribution to a minimal level. Though k3s started as a POC project for local Kubernetes development, its development has led people to use it even at a production level.

How to Check Memory Usage in WebLogic Console and Monitoring WebLogic JVM Heap and CPU Usage in WLSDM

Weak JVM performance affects WebLogic domain performance directly. That’s why the host’s CPU and memory usage is very important in terms of improving WebLogic performance. Higher CPU consumption and Garbage Collection duration can cause applications to run slowly, even cause the WebLogic servers facing downtime. JVM instances in a WebLogic need to be monitored constantly and notification/alarm infrastructure must be installed as well.

An apprentice's guide to...Successful Software Development

In a world where technology is a growing part of every aspect of our daily lives, more people are moving into tech-based occupations. Whether it is software development, computer programming, software engineering or game development, the programming and technology industry is growing, and really quickly. But how can YOU be a part of it? How does one succeed in building a technology or software-based business? You can start by having a great SDLC!