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Troubleshoot .NET apps with auto-correlated traces and logs

Collecting observability data like metrics, traces, and logs makes it much easier to identify bottlenecks and other performance problems in your .NET applications. When you need to troubleshoot a production incident, it’s especially important to be able to navigate all that data so you can find the source of the issue and enact a timely resolution.

New in Grafana 6.3: Easy-to-Use Data Links

At Grafana Labs, we constantly look for new opportunities to enhance workflows for our users. Our mission is for Grafana to be the missing piece in your system and a link between the three pillars of observability. No matter what your observability stack is composed of, we want Grafana to be the answer for bridging the gaps between metrics, logs, and traces.

Sematext Experience is here

Ever heard the expression “A picture is worth a thousand words”, well with Sematext Experience we want you to have a picture of the thousand words your customers want to tell you, but usually don’t. At Sematext, we’ve learned over time that we cannot count on customers or visitors on our website to tell us about issues they encounter while using our product or visiting our webpage.

20 Operations Manager Tips in 20 Minutes

If you’ve ever worked with SCOM then you’ll know it needs a little love to get the most out of it. Together with Tao Yang MVP, I co-presented a session called “20 Operations Manager Tips in 20 Minutes” at Experts Live USA this year which brings together many of the SCOM tips and tricks we’ve accumulated over the years. That session wasn’t recorded, so we decided to publish the tips here for everyone to benefit from. It’s time to get your SCOM game on.

Falco in the open

One of the most successful aspects of Kubernetes is how functional the open source community was able to operate. Kubernetes broke itself down in smaller sections called special interest groups, that operate similarly to subsections of the kernel. Each group is responsible for a single domain, and sets their own pace. One of the most important things to a Kubernetes SIG, is the residual SIG calls.

And Then There Were Three -- IBM, VMWare, and Rancher

When we started Rancher in 2014, our vision was to enable enterprise IT to procure and utilize computing resources (“cattle”) from any infrastructure provider. We were extremely lucky to be able to leverage wonderful technologies like Kubernetes which made computing resources consistent across all infrastructure providers.

Best Developer Tools for Students

At first, learning software development can feel like being lost in a maze…like the weird, scary maze from the Labyrinth. You’re learning languages upon languages, equations and variables, time management and organization – it’s madness I tell you, madness!! But fear not! Learning software development in 2019 means that you have numerous tools at your disposal to help ease the transition from normal human to coding master. And the best part?!

IaaS Resilience, which cloud platform is better? Azure or AWS?

Now this blog post is only going to cover the two largest cloud providers, Microsoft’s Azure and Amazon’s AWS and only focusing on Infrastructure as a Service (Azure VMs for Azure, and EC2 for AWS) offerings they both provide, but with a bit of a deep dive in to the way they both provide resilience.

AWS Cost Optimization: Top 5 AWS Cloud Cost Mistakes

What if we told you that most organizations are making simple AWS cost optimization mistakes that lead to surprising monthly cloud bills and unnecessary overspend? As an engineer, you’d probably be relieved to know that many of your organization’s AWS spending spikes are within your team’s control, given access to the right data.