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Introducing Enhancements to the Logz.io Security Analytics App - RSA 2019

RSA 2019 is finally here and we’re super-excited to participate this year in this great gathering of security experts where we will be demoing Logz.io Security Analytics — our new app for helping organizations combat security threats and meet compliance requirements.

The Four Agreements Of Incident Response

Have you ever been on one of those phone calls with several other human beings where you’re all almost screaming at each other while trying to troubleshoot an issue when something’s going wrong that needs to be fixed right this instant? Did you really enjoy that experience and want to do it all the time? My guess is no.

What is WMI? Windows Management Instrumentation, do you know this?

What is WMI? Is this a new brand of German cars? Nope. Since we like to explore the vast fields of knowledge, we are going to try to approach this question: What is WMI? There are people out there who don’t have the imperious need to master the concept, taxi drivers for example, but there are other brave people who will live much better with the knowledge of these skills. So, what is WMI?

Average Performance and Availability of Travel Websites in 2019

The first couple of months of the year are typically the busiest for travel companies, with prospective holiday makers keen to shake off the post-Christmas blues, by planning a trip away to sunnier climes. Unsurprisingly, the travel and tourism business is one of the world’s largest industries, contributing 7.6 trillion U.S. dollars (direct, indirect and induced) to the global economy in 2016.

Managing Structured Data, Unstructured Data and the In-Between

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the differences between structured and unstructured data. To better understand why, let’s review which data formats the industry currently is using, and some of the challenges they pose. Simply put, structured data typically refers to highly organized, stored information that is efficiently and easily searchable. Unstructured data is not.