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The Pain of Debugging WebAssembly

If you know anything about WebAssembly (WASM), it’s probably that WASM lets you execute code compiled from languages such as C, C++, Rust, or others in the browser at almost native speeds. You might be less familiar with the fact that WASM is not only an interesting technology in the browser, but also in other environments that require fast sandboxing. As such, WASM has found some popularity with edge computing and as a lightweight docker replacement for certain situations.

What is Code Profiling? Learn the 3 Types of Code Profilers

At Stackify, we’re all about helping you improve your application’s performance. We have actually developed two code profilers ourselves. Because of that, we like to think we know a thing or two about code profiling. Today I want to talk about the three different types of code profilers, describe the differences between them, and recommend some tools for your toolbox.

Live Kubernetes Debugging with the Elastic Stack

Your Kubernetes app is down. Your users start ranting on Twitter. Your boss is standing right behind you. What do you do? We are using the Elastic Stack in this demo with a special focus on its Kubernetes integration with metadata enrichment and autodiscovery in combination with APM / tracing, metrics, logs, and health checks.

Parsing Query Strings in .NET Core

We recently needed to parse and modify some query strings while building Request Metrics. Query string parsing has never been pleasant in .NET, has it improved in .NET Core? We were familiar with HttpUtility.ParseQueryString() for the task, but that API has a major landmine. With the release of .NET Core, Microsoft took another swing at it. We figured we’d try the new way and see how they did! If you want the fully uncensored version, check out the video above.

A Practical Guide to JavaScript Debugging

Being a UI developer, I’ve learned one thing: It doesn’t matter how carefully you write your code. Suppose you’ve double-checked that you defined and called all functions the right way or followed all the best practices. Even then you’ll see that a tiny variable can sneak behind and create an error. Now, suppose you find out that for some unknown reason a form validation or submit button isn’t working.

Building Request Metrics

We’ve been working on something big. We’re building Request Metrics, a new service for web performance monitoring. TrackJS is a fantastic tool to understand web page errors, but what if your pages aren’t broken, just slow? What if the checkout page takes 10 seconds to load? What if that user API is slowing down from your recent database change? What pages have the worst user experience? Request Metrics will tell you that.