Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Hardware Asset Management: Knowing When to Upgrade

When is it time to say goodbye? For a hardware device, that question can be tough to answer. Though the device has been in the environment for several years, there is still usable life left. So why would we retire and dispose the device and spend additional money on a replacement? With the device’s lifecycle information, that answer becomes much clearer.

Many-to-Many Communication: The Next Generation of Deterrence

Military strategists will often tell you that the best way to win a conflict is to prevent it by projecting an unmistakable posture of strength, preparedness and resolve. As history has shown in the seven decades since the Second World War, deterrence doesn’t come cheap, certainly not in the era of modern, technology-enabled warfare. Yet it is still far less costly in lives, dollars, and equipment than letting a hostile situation escalate out of hand.

Hey, [Insert Family/Friend Name Here], Let's Talk About Online Security

2020 keeps on proving the old adage, “It gets worse before it gets better.” We still seem to be in the “worse” stage. If you’ve been paying attention to the news—and I don’t blame you if you’ve been taking a break for sanity’s sake—you might have noticed (in addition to the reports about the pandemic and social issues) hacks and general security breaches have been ramping up.

Are Cloud Computing Engineers the Missing Link on Your Federal IT Team?

Cloud computing can be more complex than anticipated, particularly as agencies continue to move applications and operations into a cloud environment. Does your federal IT team have the in-house skills to ensure cloud computing is helping your agency rather than draining its money and resources?

Ivanti's Latest Service and Asset Management Enhancements Resolve up to 80% of Issues Before Users Report Them

The theme for Ivanti this summer has been one of transformation, and in keeping with that theme, today we announced enhanced capabilities for the Ivanti Enterprise Service Management portfolio. Leveraging Ivanti Neurons, these enhancements include: The new releases give service desks greater visibility—in real time—to actionable information across their device estate to improve the accuracy, speed and efficiency of services delivered.

Monitoring CDN Cache Hit Miss Ratio

In today’s Tip of the Day, we are looking at validating the performance of your CDN cache vs. the CDN origin content. Having this information at your fingertips will allow you to verify that (i) your CDN service is improving performance for your end users; and (ii) they are adhering to your SLAs. Your CDN Monitoring solution needs to offer a comprehensive set of insights into regional performance problems, network routing challenges, and other overall performance issues, including origin vs.

The "Problems" With Agile and Scrum

Agile is a popular buzzword in software development, with some organizations and teams masquerading as “agile” while they are actually doing something very different. I’ve seen it numerous times in my career as an Agile Coach: A leader claims to embrace agile values, but micromanages engineering teams and uses agility as a way to manipulate developers to work long hours. The result?

Securely manage credentials while monitoring Kubernetes workloads with autodiscovery

In the world of containers and Kubernetes, observability is crucial. Cluster administrators need visibility into the infrastructure and cluster operators need to know the status of their workloads at any given time. And in both cases, they need observability into moving objects. This is where Metricbeat and its autodiscover feature do the hard part for you.

Dashbird turns 3: reflecting on the journey, challenges and milestones of the past year

Another year of empowering DevOps teams has passed and what a year it’s been! I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the journey, the milestones and challenges this past year encompassed. The last year has been our most transformational to date. We’ve had a huge amount of ups and downs and I’m incredibly proud to say that we got through it and our organization is more resilient, more aligned in our vision and closer as a result.

Introducing, Dashbird Atlas

We’re pleased and honored to be part of the Serverless revolution - continuously innovating to make processes and day-to-day tasks for serverless users more efficient, seamless and enjoyable. So let’s get right into the new and exciting stuff now! Earlier this year, Dashbird launched the very well-received Insights Engine designed to encourage a proactive approach when building and operating serverless applications.