Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


OnPage's Top Healthcare Blogs of 2018

It’s no secret that we, at OnPage, are passionate about healthcare and the clinical professionals that make the industry go ‘round. It’s through our appetite for this industry, which lead us to publish several, interesting blogs about healthcare and its related topics in 2018. It’s been a successful year and we look forward to 2019, filled with a fresh batch of healthcare posts.

2018 Main Top 50, and we are number six!

We are headed to the top! We’ve risen another three rankings to number six for the 2018 Main Software 50 awards. The Main Software Top 50 list is an award handed out to Dutch software companies by the investment firm of Main Capital Partners. Each year Main Capital picks the 50 best companies, and Uptrends has continued to climb in the rankings.

How Fluentd compares to LogDNA

Observing modern applications is challenging. Microservices allow for applications that are not only more distributed but are made up of a number of different languages, frameworks, and backend services. DevOps teams have far greater flexibility in where and how they deploy applications,but when it comes time to collect logs, this flexibility can quickly become a hurdle.

Conquering a Double-Barrel Webpack Upgrade

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve prioritized some sustaining product goals to polish the codebase and update some big ticket dependencies. Among those updates were: React, Redux, and Webpack - the biggies. The first two were pretty painless and inspired the confidence to approach updating Webpack from v2 to v4 like maybe no big deal! Though confidence level was on high, I felt a slight chill and a twinge of doubt by the prospect of making changes to our build configs.