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Latest Marriott Breach Puts Focus on GDPR

A massive data breach at Marriott and Starwood Hotels and Resorts has put the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) back in the spotlight. As the hotel chain faces record fines under the GDPR, privacy experts are again extolling the importance of secure log management practices to avoid suffering a similar fate as Starwood.

Dear admins: this one's for you

The end of the year is typically a time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished in the past twelve months and set goals for the new year. If you’re part of an IT team, you’ve probably accomplished a lot, from managing software upgrades to dealing with major incidents and service outages. But how many times this year have people in your company stopped to say thank you?

Conquering a Double-Barrel Webpack Upgrade

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve prioritized some sustaining product goals to polish the codebase and update some big ticket dependencies. Among those updates were: React, Redux, and Webpack - the biggies. The first two were pretty painless and inspired the confidence to approach updating Webpack from v2 to v4 like maybe no big deal! Though confidence level was on high, I felt a slight chill and a twinge of doubt by the prospect of making changes to our build configs.

5 Steps to Prepare Your Web Infrastructure for 2019

At least 10 major data breaches occurred in 2018 including Facebook, Google Plus, WordPress, and healthcare sectors. The surge in breaches proves we need to do a better job detecting foul play. User data and our own IP are crucial assets to safeguard in this environment. We also observed major downtime incidents from companies like Facebook and Microsoft.

Proactive ITSM: Staying Ahead of The Curve

Although technology continues to evolve, the processes that support Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) have remained relatively unchanged for several decades. One of the main challenges to delivering high-quality IT services in this long-established approach is reactivity – that is, focusing on incident management as a means to resolve something that should never have happened in the first place.