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2018: The Year Bee-hind Us

In just a few days, we’ll all be embarking on the new year–kicking its tires and planning our conquests for the months to come. This holiday in-between week, while the days are just barely beginning to get a little longer, seems like a good time to look back on the events of the past year and remember some of the good times we’ve shared–so join me for a little retrospective fun.

Cyber Security in the Movies - Is It Realistic?

Hacking in the movies looks so cool. Someone with a keyboard and five screens frantically types in some code, and a few seconds later: “I’m in.” That’s it– they now have all the information they need to access nuclear missile codes, blackmail a billionaire, or completely shut down a building’s security system.

Upgrading to Sensu Go: takeaways (and solutions) from Sensu Summit

Now that Sensu Go is out, I thought this would be a great time to circle back and follow up on the Sensu Summit 2018 breakout session concerning Sensu 1.x to Sensu Go workload migration challenges. That session had some great feedback from Sensu users; we’ve been heads down over the past few months putting the pieces together to make it easier to move your existing workloads when you upgrade to Sensu Go and keep your existing Sensu Plugins working while you transition.

How to build the one job skill they can't automate (yet)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already competing with humans for the jobs so many of us have built our careers on. Whether this is progress or the beginning of the end of civilization, it’s probably inevitable. But don’t panic: robots still can’t feel, which is good news for anyone aspiring to a long and fruitful career.

ELK Log Analysis vs. XpoLog Logs Manager

We performed a comparison between ELK log analysis tool and XpoLog log management tool. Main points to notice when considering using ELK for your log analysis Vs. XpoLog: 1. XpoLog provides a unique auto mining technology which profiles systems and app log data. XpoLog tool is able to build automatic IT intelligence which helps to understand the source of the problem and subsequently correlate and compute trends on those problems and then create the search analysis queries for the user.

Why Web Apps Are Exceptional Choice To Surpass Competitive Era?

It’s been a while when advanced applications were introduced to reduce businesses hassles. But still, there’s an issue which bothers individuals’ minds that how do they develop a website, should they move to the mobile application or should they choose between promoting a website, web app or mobile application?

Happy Holidays from Pandora FMS!

Christmas is here! Have you decorated your Christmas tree yet? Have you made gingerbread cookies? The people behind Pandora FMS love Christmas! Merry Christmas Pandora FMS 2018! The truth is that we are more Christmassy than Santa Claus and, during these days, we become more tender than ever, and we love to look back and remember all the good things that have happened in this year 2018.