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How to collect, customize, and manage Rails application logs

Logging is an important part of understanding the behavior of your applications. Your logs contain essential records of application operations including database queries, server requests, and errors. With proper logging, you always have comprehensive, context-rich insights into application usage and performance. In this post, we’ll walk through logging options for Rails applications and look at some best practices for creating informative logs.

Mattermost Recipe: Handling Incidents with Mattermost and PagerDuty

Here’s the next installment in our Mattermost Recipes series. The goal of these posts is to provide you with solutions to specific problems, as well as a discussion about the details of the solution and some tips about how to customize it to suit your needs perfectly.

Collecting and monitoring Rails logs with Datadog

In a previous post, we walked through how you can configure logging for Rails applications, create custom logs, and use Lograge to convert the standard Rails log output into a more digestible JSON format. In this post, we will show how you can forward these application logs to Datadog and keep track of application behavior with faceted log search and analytics, custom processing pipelines, and log-based alerting.

Purdue University's Retired .NET Peer Review App & the Path to Error Monitoring

In A Comedy of Errors, we talk to engineers about the weirdest, worst, and most interesting application and infrastructure issues they’ve encountered (and resolved) over the years. This week, we hear from Jason Dufair, Full Stack Developer on the Studio team at Purdue University.

Introducing: The StatusCake + Telegram Integration

Today we’ve further expanded our list of alerting integrations, with the introduction of Telegram you now have a new way to receive fast, cloud based and private notifications from the StatusCake app, on the platform and operating system of your choice. Telegram has all of the industry standard features, along with some handy unique ones for good measure. The software will enable you to access your messages from multiple devices.

Tackling the top four challenges of Azure SQL Database monitoring

With large enterprises increasing their focus on public cloud providers, Microsoft Azure continues to have a strong foothold in the hybrid cloud industry. Azure adoption increased a whopping 11 percent last year from 34 to 45 percent, reveals the latest survey by RightScale.

The Serverless Revolution: Why and How The Movement Will Allow Teams to Deploy With More Velocity and Confidence

Serverless or Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) design patterns have been picking up steam. With the recent release of KNative from Google Cloud, let’s take a closer look at the serverless movement.

Bullet-proof MSP critical alerting

Dynamic Network Solutions, located in the greater Washington D.C. area, prides itself in providing the highest quality customer service. The company works extensively with its customers to manage client needs and provide them with significant training to avoid unwanted security incidents and downtime. Dynamic Network Solutions has many points of touch with their clients in order to ensure great service and ensure networks and technologies are always running.