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What is IT Operations Analytics (ITOA)?

In the world of information technology, data has become the fundamental currency that holds the highest value. IT Operations Analytics (ITOA) represents one of the largest and richest sources of fresh and actionable data. Many automated tools can be used to make sense of all the information that comes from day-to-day IT operations, from log to agent to wire data.

What to do when you lose logs with Kubernetes

Kubernetes has fundamentally changed the way we manage our production environments. The ability to quickly bring up infrastructure on demand is a beautiful thing, but along with it brings some complexity, especially when it comes to logging. Logging is always an important part of maintaining a solid running infrastructure, but even more so with Kubernetes. Because Kubernetes clusters are constantly being spun up, spun down, always in flux, making sure logging functions correctly is critical.

Is AIOps the solution for noise reduction?

ITOps teams are challenged today like never before, overwhelmed by IT noise and constantly fighting fires. And for the business this often means higher operating costs, performance and availability issues, and risks to enterprise digital initiatives. So what’s an IT Ops guy/gal gotta do? Well, lately there’s been talk about “a new sheriff in town” that claims to be able to solve this challenge, and its name is AIOps.

How to Enhance ServiceNow With OnPage Incident Alert Management

IT service alerting (ITSA) tools automate ticketing system workflows by incorporating intelligent alerts into the creation of a ticket. These capabilities don’t only enable IT support teams to consistently deliver great services, but they also improve their collaboration and productivity. That’s why in order to extract the full value from ticketing systems, teams should consider closing the loop by complementing their ServiceNow instance with trusted ITSA solutions such as OnPage.

Dynamic Kubernetes Informers

In the past I’ve written about how to use informers in Kubernetes for particular resources, but what if you need to be able to receive events for any Kubernetes resource dynamically? Well, there’s a client-go package for that too. At FireHydrant, we recently updated our Kubernetes integration to watch changes for any resource you configure and I wanted to write down how we made it at a high level.

Security Strategies for Mitigating IoT Botnet Threats

As DevSecOps continues to redefine the IT security landscape, security is becoming everyone’s responsibility. That means that staying ahead of the latest cybersecurity threats—such as IoT botnets—should be a priority for every DevOps professional. To help you do that, this article discusses strategies for combating IoT botnets.

How to Use Google Search Console to Find and Fix Errors on Your Website

Google search console (GSC) is like a health report for your website’s efficiency, accessibility, and search engine rankings. It includes reports for backlinks, internal links, quality and quantity of web-traffic, errors, click through rates, mobile responsiveness, security issues, and crawling stats. In this article, we are going to cover how to find and fix errors identified in GSC.

De-Risk Application Modernization

There is a lot of pressure on enterprise IT to adopt cloud, and rightfully so. Most enterprises are moving toward multi-tenant, fully managed deployments, but most are seeing a careful, deliberate migration towards public cloud or hosted environments. Identifying and assessing challenges is the key point before taking any steps to modernize or migrate applications.

How should you structure your engineering team?

It’s been a few years since the “Spotify Model” became the latest trend for structuring an engineering team. But, like its predecessors, the model based on tribes and squads has some pitfalls. How to structure an engineering team is a question that’s been covered at length, from the strengths and weaknesses of common team structures to a matrix of organization based on risk and scale to why you should choose your own model.