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How to

How to create an on-call policy and rotation in OneUptime?

In this tutorial video, we walk you through the process of creating an on-call policy and rotation in OneUptime. We start by explaining what an on-call policy is and why it’s crucial for your organization. We then guide you step-by-step on how to set up a policy, including defining the policy name, setting the escalation rules, and adding users to the policy. Next, we delve into creating a rotation for the policy. We explain how to set the rotation length, start time, and participants. We also show you how to handle holidays and time-off requests within the rotation.

How to build workflows in OneUptime and integrate OneUptime with anything?

OneUptime is a complete open-source observability platform. It allows you to create workflows and integrate with over 5000 different services and products without writing any code. This integration capability allows OneUptime to connect with the rest of your software stack. Building workflows in OneUptime likely involves defining the sequence of operations that should occur based on certain triggers or conditions. These workflows can help automate processes, such as incident management, alerting the right people at the right time, and more.

OpenTelemetry vs Jaeger : Comparing Apple and Oranges

Open telemetry works with all the three signals i.e. it help in generating all the three signals while Jaeger only focuses on one signal (traces). The second key difference is Jaeger doesn't worry about generating data. It's more focused on the UI visualization long term storage of traces data while OpenTelemetry primarily focused on generating traces data.

Datadog on Kubernetes Node Management #datadog #kubernetes #observability #infrastructure #shorts

Datadog, the observability platform used by thousands of companies, runs on dozens of self-managed Kubernetes clusters in a multi-#cloud environment, adding up to tens of thousands of nodes, or hundreds of thousands of pods. This infrastructure is used by a wide variety of engineering teams at Datadog, with different feature and capacity needs.

The organization's mission: a key part of a successful BIA

What makes a business impact assessment a successful one? Well, there isn’t a single answer. But understanding your organization’s values and goals is a great first step. In our webinar with Amanda Wittern, Ivanti’s Deputy Chief Security Officer, and Rob Leisure, Ivanti’s Senior Director of Solutions Marketing, we discussed their first-hand experiences and industry trends for conducting Business Impact Assessments.

Jira GitHub Integration - How to see Git commits, pull requests, and more in Jira.

Keep your teams in sync by Integrating GitHub and Jira. By giving Jira users visibility into Git commits, branches, pull requests, and more inside of Jira you can avoid avoid questions and unnecessary meetings. The best way to create a GitHub Jira integration is by using the Git Integration for Jira app on the Atlassian marketplace. This video walks through how to get the app, create the integration, and use the GitHub information that is now in Jira.