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How to

How to Manage an IT Asset Inventory? Outlining an ITAM Strategy

Your IT inventory is not a once-and-done thing. Assembling it is only the first part. But once you have all your organization's asset information centralized, what's next? It's all about adding details, monitoring the assets' behavior, and using the information InvGate Insight provides you with in your favor. With an IT asset inventory in place, you can do things like: Linking assets to users so you know who owns them. Tracking your investments. Automating notifications and alerts. Mapping your assets' relationships.

Tech Confessions - Ancient Artifacts

What was the ANCIENT SECRET hidden within one company’s IT estate? In this Tech Confession, hear how an entire payroll system was at the mercy of one admin’s “voodoo” techniques to provide payment via seriously antiquated hardware and software. What were the risks? Keeping the system cranking was a ticklish proposition: Accidentally running an OS update once put the productivity of the whole organization at risk. That was just one of the hazards of running a key process on a hidden device that was invisible to the network.

Tech Confessions - ET, Phone Home | Crazy IT Asset Discovery Stories

See the OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD reason why one company’s software was “running like a dog.” And how to control your IT estate before it controls you. All it takes is one person abusing your systems, or one unsecured endpoint, to create risk and bottlenecks for everyone. In the era of Everywhere Work, it’s vital to have total visibility into every corner of your IT estate so you can identify risk, correct inefficiencies, control costs and maximize performance.

Asset Maintenance Software: Streamline Your Maintenance Process for Better Business Outcomes

Asset maintenance software is a must-have for businesses of all sizes. It can help you improve asset performance, reduce maintenance costs, increase asset lifespan, improve safety, and increase efficiency. In this video, we discuss the benefits of asset maintenance software and how to choose the right software for your business. We also provide tips on how to implement and maintain asset maintenance software.

Tech Confessions - Attack of the Toasters | Crazy IT Asset Discovery Stories

Watch this JAW-DROPPING story about how unknown devices nearly provoked a panic for one IT team in the defense industry. They nearly shut down their entire network after receiving an alert about mystery endpoints they couldn’t identify. The lesson to be learned? You can't afford to miss ANY device on your network if you’re hoping to keep your IT estate safe and secure. Before you raise alarm bells, find what’s hidden on your network with Ivanti Neurons for Discovery.

SIGNL4 Onboarding: Routing Alerts to Teams using Distribution Rules

The SIGNL4 Onboarding series walks users through the process's of SIGNL4 from Signup to Alerts to Settings. Today's video focuses on sending alerts to the right users via distribution rules. Learn how to create a distribution rules and to route alerts to different teams using criteria included in the events. This video is packed with helpful tips to help you get the most out of your account.