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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Machine Data is Business Intelligence for Digital Companies

Software has eaten the world and every company today is a software company. This is because every company today is more and more serving its customers digitally. That service can be a spectrum, such as offering traditional physical products and services through digital channels on one end to offering entirely new digital products on the other end. Regardless of where on the spectrum a company is, it does not change the fact that its primary interface with its customers has become its software.

5 Ways to Optimise Your Site for Mobile

Every year, more and more website traffic is mobile-driven. Statistically speaking, you’re far more likely to be reading this article now on a mobile device rather than on desktop. Indeed, mobile usage goes far beyond website traffic, as virtually every action we take in modern life, from ordering a takeaway to sharing a photo with friends, takes place on a mobile device.

Introducing 'MLWatcher', Anodot's Open-Source Tool For Monitoring Machine Learning Models

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are designed to automatically build mathematical models using sample data to make decisions. Rather than use specific instructions, they rely on patterns and inference instead. And the business applications abound. In recent years, companies such Google and Facebook have found ways to use ML to utilize the massive amounts of data they have for more profit.

I manage my SaaS with Trello and Reminders

Ok, not completely true. I also use Stripe, Github, AWS, Heroku, Ghost, AppOptics, Intercom and Mailchimp. And some bookkeeping and tax tools. Don't forget the code editors! But! When I plan my day, I spend most of my time in Trello and Apple's stock Reminders app. I also use Numbers once a week or so. This post is turning out to be click bait. Read on, it's really not. In former jobs I went through probably every project management and productivity tool out there.

How I set up SSL with Let's Encrypt for my SaaS customers' dashboards

Recently I pushed a long overdue feature for Checkly: SSL for customers' public dashboards. This was kinda, sort of, totally missing when I launched and many customers asked for it. Setting up free SSL turned out to be fairly smooth because of Most principles explained here are totally transferable to whatever stack you are using. There are some pretty important gotcha's though, so let's dive in. Customers of Checkly can create public dashboards and host them on a custom domain.

Monitoring Machine Learning Models Built in Amazon SageMaker

Many data science discussions focus on model development. But as any data scientist will tell you, this is only a small—and often relatively quick—part of the data science pipeline. An important, but often overlooked, component of model stewardship is monitoring models once they’ve been released to the wild. Here we’ll aim to convince any unbelievers that monitoring deployed models is as important as any other task in the data science workflow.

Jira Mobile app basics: work from anywhere - Demo Den June

Learn how to work from anywhere with the Jira Mobile app in Episode 5 of the Demo Den. Jira Mobile Product Manager, Rayen Magpantay demonstrates how to get the most out of Jira Mobile. See how easy the drag-and-drop works in Jira Mobile, which supports all the fields from your desktop Jira as well as all the filters from desktop. After watching our demo, head over to the Atlassian Community for a live Q&A with Rayen here: http://bit.ly/DemoDenEp5.