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The latest News and Information on Distributed Tracing and related technologies.

Error logging, tracing, and improving developer workflow with Jeffrey T. Fritz

Today Nico joined Jeffrey T. Fritz on the Fritz and Friends live coding stream and we talked about how Rollbar can be added to your applications to provide better logging, error tracking, and reporting. We walked through the story of Rollbar and added the logging solution to the KlipTok service that manages interactions with internet bots for the various social networks and search engines. See why 100,000+ developers trust Rollbar to analyze, diagnose & fix errors in record time.

Use Logz.io to Instrument Kubernetes with OpenTelemetry & Helm

Logz.io is always looking to improve the user experience when it comes to Kubernetes and monitoring your K8s architecture. We’ve taken another step with that, adding OpenTelemetry instrumentation with Helm charts. We have made Helm charts available before, previously with editions suitable for Metricbeat and for Prometheus operators.

Is Distributed Tracing Really a Big Deal ?

Microservice architectures are everywhere these days. Even internal enterprise applications—which have typically been structured as self-contained monoliths—are now being designed using a microservices architecture. There are definite advantages to a microservices architecture. Breaking an application into discrete, independent chunks—basically mini apps—gives you enormous flexibility. But this flexibility dramatically increases complexity, especially when things go wrong.

Distributed Tracing vs. Application Monitoring

Application monitoring is a well-established discipline that dates back decades and remains a pillar of software management strategies today. However, as software environments and architectures have evolved, monitoring techniques have needed to evolve along with them. That’s why many teams today rely on distributed tracing to glean insights that they can’t gather from application monitoring alone.

2 Ways to Integrate the Jaeger App with VMware Tanzu Observability Without Code Changes

In microservices architecture, to identify performance issues—including latency—it’s important to monitor each service and all inter-service communication. Jaeger and VMware Tanzu Observability can help. Jaeger is an open source, distributed tracing system released by Uber Technologies. VMware Tanzu Observability is a high-performance streaming analytics platform that supports 3D observability (e.g., metrics, histograms, and traces/spans).

Using Distributed Tracing in Microservices Architecture

With the rise of microservices based cloud applications & its corresponding complexities, the need for observability is greater than ever. This blog looks into the what-why of distributed tracing along with few best practices to adopt for the same in microservices architecture. Distributed tracing for Microservices architecture is an emerging concept that is gaining momentum across internet-based business organizations.

From Distributed Tracing to APM: Taking OpenTelemetry & Jaeger Up a Level

It’s no secret that Jaeger and OpenTelemetry are known and loved by the open source community — and for good reason. As part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), they offer one the most popular open source distributed tracing solutions out there as well as standardization for all telemetry data types.

Adding free and open Elastic APM as part of your Elastic Observability deployment

In a recent post we showed you how to get started with the free and open tier of Elastic Observability. Today we'll walk through what you need to do to expand your deployment so you can start gathering metrics from application performance monitoring (APM), or "tracing" data in your observability cluster, for free.