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The latest News and Information on API Development, Management, Monitoring, and related technologies.

Using API Gateway to Decouple and Scale Serverless Architectures

One of the benefits of Serverless architectures is the possibility of scaling applications without worrying about load balancers and clusters of servers. While services like AWS Lambda hold their promises on this area, there are usually misconceptions about how they work. It is common for developers to assume that Lambda functions can scale infinitely, at any speed, in any circumstances. Reality is quite different from that.

Top 4 must-monitor API Gateway metrics

Marc Andreessen famously said, “Software is eating the world.” Dr. Steve Willmott subsequently retorted, “APIs are eating software.” This is because API based architectures are enabling companies to get away from monolithic architectures and move to microservices. Innovative, disruptive companies like Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, Square, and Slack all build their infrastructure and technology using APIs.

Introducing Sematext Synthetics for API & Website Monitoring

No matter which path of the stack you work on, it’s crucial you make sure your website or API is up and running. We wanted to create a tool that can give you superpowers. Enter, Sematext Synthetics! You can monitor the availability of APIs and websites as well as their performance, and user journeys. This means 24×7 monitoring from multiple locations around the globe with alerts when things go wrong!

Tip of the Day - Monitoring API's

Today’s Digital world, is an API-Centric world, we just don’t realize how pervasive these little helpers are !!!! API’s are part of every eCommerce transaction, Social media interaction, and provide integrations across the applications we use, for both work and play, so when they’re not working properly, our lives are impacted greatly. See how Catchpoint provides complete visibility into all your API interactions to make sure you stay in front of any performance issues.

AWS API Gateway vs. Application Load Balancer (ALB)

We recently wrote about whether API Gateway can act as a Load Balancer. The answer is yes and, in many cases, they are substitutes for each other. But how should we choose which one to use? In this article, we will dive into more details on how these two types of HTTP networking services compare, using the AWS services as a base level: API Gateway and Application Load Balancer (ALB). Both are highly-scalable services to a point that scalability should not be a concern for most use cases.

7 alerting optimizations you should use in your website and API monitoring

Alerting is central to your website, web application, and API monitoring. Getting the right message to the right people is essential to quickly resolving outages and error states. In this article, we walk you through seven aspects you need to consider when setting up the alerting for your monitors. If you need a general overview of how alerting works within Uptrends, we have a Knowledge Base article and an Academy course you may want to visit.

Easy automated E2E testing & monitoring for your frontend with Vercel and Checkly

Exciting times ahead. With the Jamstack gaining momentum, the landscape around it is offering more and more tools to streamline developer workflows and free up time for actual development. A cutting edge solution in this interesting space is Vercel, formerly known as ZEIT. In this blog post we will get a taste of Vercel's capabilities by using it to deploy and preview a sample Gatsby blog - and while we're at it, we will of course take the chance to kick off some checks automatically from Checkly.