The latest News and Information on Application Performance Monitoring and related technologies.
What happens when a global health crisis prompts massive reorganization of IT resources overnight? Marco Coulter delivers sage advice for the road ahead.
As many of us are rediscovering an interest in board games, it feels relevant to make reference to Hasbro’s classic Clue. Understanding what’s going right or wrong in your sprawling digital business can feel a lot like a murder mystery: it was the authentication service in the east region with the memory exhaustion error. This analogy has a weakness when applied to modern operations. The Clue board game had 6 weapons, 6 suspects, and 9 rooms. That’s 324 combinations.
With a huge number of employees around the globe working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, delivering uninterrupted business services to customers has become a major challenge. This requires strict monitoring of all critical business applications in order to accommodate an increased amount of requests, which can cause a critical downtime if not monitored appropriately.