Mattermost shipped with Spanish in version 2.0 on February 16, 2016. The effort was largely completed by our first translations contributor, Elias Nahum. The very next month, Mattermost shipped with Brazilian Portuguese, soon followed by French, Japanese, and more. Today, Mattermost ships in 16 languages, and 26 other languages are in progress. In total, hundreds of contributors have translated more than 700,000 words. 700,000 words. Wow! I am amazed by what our localization community has achieved.
Every web developer wants to build a website that adheres to the almost mythical “best practices” so that it is light and performant. But how exactly are developers supposed to measure performance? And what is considered to be a best practice when it comes to developing for the web?
If you’re the resident expert in your company on a particular technology, you probably get asked a lot of questions about it: how to set it up, how to maintain it, how to monitor it. While it’s great to be recognized as the expert, all these requests for help can steal time away from your day job. Thankfully, we’ve got something that will help: InfluxDB Templates.