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Serverless Data Processing with AWS Step Functions, Part II.

Back in Part I of Deploying a Serverless Data Processing Workflow with AWS Step Functions, Nuatu mentioned one key benefit of using step functions is their visibility into business critical workflows. Outside stakeholders, support staff, and other engineers can look at a state machine execution in AWS or Stackery, and can easily understand the process.

Why Your Cloud Costs Might Be so High-and What to Do About It

Recent headlines surrounding big-name IPOs, such as that of Slack and Lyft, have highlighted the very real costs of operating in the cloud. Companies like these are on the hook to pay AWS and other public cloud vendors tens or hundreds of millions of dollars every year, just to run their services.

Bring Your Own Cluster - CloudHedge Cruize

At CloudHedge, we’re making use of AI to mitigate inefficiencies and speed up the automated application modernization process. Deploying applications on the cloud has always been challenging, there are so many parameters involved that the entire deployment process becomes tedious. To make matters easy, we have CloudHedge’s Cruize module which can be used for deploying your app on cloud, be it AWS, GCP, IBM Cloud or even Azure.

Running Lambdas on your Laptop

Serverless has the potential to bring massive ops advantages to projects of all sizes, but while it presents great business benefits, we need to spare a thought for how teams develop on serverless. I recently published ‘Serverless Development is Broken’ a list of concerns about how developers can work with long deploy times inherent in a cloud-only code environment.

Machine Learning driven Closed Loop Automation

The reliance on digital transformation and data is ever increasing for businesses to be successful in the current environment. The agility at which the business can respond to real-life situations is proportional to the level of digitization that has been implemented in the business. For a business to nimble and agile, it is imperative that all the processes be delivered as a digital service that can be provisioned, monitored and remediated as by an automation logic at the core of the business.

Kubernetes as a Service: GKE vs. AKS vs. EKS

Kubernetes (K8s) is a prevalent open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. However, maintaining the service can be difficult and expensive. For that reason, it is easy to find platforms offering Kubernetes as a managed service. In this article, we will analyze three of the most popular services currently available: Google Kubernetes Engine, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes.

How to Empower DevOps to Make Better Cloud Cost Decisions

When it comes to cloud strategy, companies rank “cutting costs” as their top priority for 2019, according to a recent Datamation survey. That’s not to say that they plan to cut back on cloud spending in general; in fact, those budgets are very much expected to grow. Rather, companies are looking for ways to reduce unnecessary costs and optimize cloud spend.