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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

5 Essential Retrace Custom Dashboard Widgets For DevOps Managers

Imagine a man, a metaphorical man, slumped over, sitting silently across from you. Do you see him? Hastily smashing his fingers against the keyboard with a feverish sweat running down his neck. He, like many, only opens his APM solution after those universally feared “oh shit!” moments. Like a firefighter with a magnifying glass, he dives into his logs looking for a needle in a haystack. But you… Well, you know better than that. You wouldn’t just use your APM on bad days.

CI/CD Tools for Cloud Applications on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the de facto industry standard for container management and orchestration. Not surprisingly, it has also become common to use Kubernetes in tandem with compatible Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) tools. As a container orchestrator, Kubernetes expects deployments to spin up software throughout a cluster. Those deployments are created using files or command lines that can be generated manually or using properly configured CI/CD software.

Continuous Deployment Tools

July 05, 2019 Software development has changed rapidly over the last ten years. Many companies have moved away from the traditional waterfall development model to an agile methodology, and this has meant embracing continuous integration and continuous delivery practices. But how about taking it one step further with continuous deployment? Are you deploying to production automatically, without any human intervention? Some of the major products we rely on everyday are.

AWS Lambda with Node.js: A Complete Getting Started Guide

AWS Lambda is a service that confuses many people. For that reason, you may be wondering just how it works, and how you’d use it to build a highly scalable event-driven application. As someone who’s presumably no stranger to the internet, you must have seen the terms serverless, function-as-a-service, or AWS Lambda thrown across your screen a few times. Perhaps you’re looking to learn more. If so, you’re in luck.

Flamegraph: How to Visualize Stack Traces and Performance

So you want a faster application? If you’ve not heard of a flamegraph, it can be a great way to improve and gain insight into your application performance. Today, we’ll explain what a flamegraph is. We’ll cover the stack trace and its origin, the call stack. Finally, we’ll define the flame graph and show how to leverage it for improving the performance of your application. Sound good? Let’s get to it. Before we get to what a flamegraph is, we need to discuss stack traces.

How to inspire exceptional contributions to your open-source project

Netdata must be doing something right when it comes to inspiring contributions. Our open-source, distributed monitoring agent has on GitHub and has seen contributions from hundreds of people: . We’ve even hired a handful of our contributors to work full-time on making the Netdata ecosystem even more powerful. The community is passionate about what we’re building, and they’re actively interested in making it work better for their particular needs.

Stateful and Stateless Containers on Cycle

Cycle aims to give you maximum flexibility with how you architect your application. By marking a container as ‘stateful’, you’re declaring that the container and its instances should be treated more like pets than cattle, but more on that analogy below. The need to maintain state should never be a deciding factor when considering whether or not to containerize as containers are simply portable code packages.

Dealing With the AWS Lambda Invocation Payload Limits

If you’ve dealt with lambda functions you may have run across the RequestEntityTooLargeException - * byte payload is too large for the Event invocation type (limit 131072 bytes) AWS Lambda exception that occurs when a function is invoked with too large of a payload. Current AWS Lambda limits are set at 6 MB for synchronous/RequestResponse invocations, and 128 K for asynchronous/Event invocations.