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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

How Does Google Handle Critical Incidents?

While there are some very good sources out there on how to manage a critical incident, Google also wrote a chapter on incident management in their book, “Site Reliability Engineering”. In this chapter, the folks at Google present their approach to a well-designed critical incident management process.

DevOps Monitoring, Development, Security and Operations: DevSecOpsMon

In the 20th century we were programmers. In the 21st century, developers. With the massification of telecommunications worldwide, operators began to help us in our work. That’s where the term DevOps (“developers” and “operations”) arose, which implies the concept of collaboration of both teams. But since change is the only constant, other practical considerations have forced us to see the entire forest instead of just a few trees.

Securing a Web Application with AWS Application Load Balancer

I was recently called upon to secure an Nginx web server with HTTPS, and my goal was to set this up with a certificate obtained from AWS Certificate Manager. It took me a while to figure out how to get everything configured and working. Hopefully someone else who is attempting to do the same thing will read this and I can save you some time!

Intro to NGINX

If you've been following along with my posts, you have a sound introduction to Apache Web Server, how it functions, it's place in history, and how Sumo Logic can help you sort through the numerous logs provided. Apache Access and Error logs are integral to understanding the traffic patterns and issues your users face when accessing your web applications. Sumo Logic helps administrators parse through logs, isolate issues, and determine the root causes of errors.

The Mythical 'Average' IT Shop

In health care, doctors know the average man or average woman is in fact, mythical. Everyone has their own unique problems, capabilities and life stories. DNA can be altered by the environment. Even identical twins will have different health histories and different propensities to contract and avoid certain illnesses. Each individual is different. The same can be said of IT — no two shops are ever exactly alike.

How to Decode Your AWS Bill (and What's within DevOps' Control)

The typical AWS bill, otherwise known as the AWS Cost and Usage Report, includes line items that are useful to both finance and DevOps. However, many of the metrics that are within engineers’ and cloud architects’ control aren’t so simple to discover. To make cost a first-class operational metric for DevOps, teams need visibility into the data that’s relevant to engineering activity.

Manual Rotation of Certificates in Rancher Kubernetes Clusters

Kubernetes clusters use multiple certificates to provide both encryption of traffic to the Kubernetes components as well as authentication of these requests. These certificates are auto-generated for clusters launched by Rancher and also clusters launched by the Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) CLI.