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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Faster, More Secure App Development and Delivery with Tanzu Platform 10

Broadcom’s VMware Tanzu division has been helping organizations build and deliver modern, cloud native applications and the data services on which they run, for more than a decade. Since the release of the flagship Cloud Foundry based Tanzu Application Service and the massively popular Spring Framework, Tanzu has been at the forefront of modern enterprise app delivery.

SNMP Traps as Logs | LogicMonitor

In this short demo video, Michael Rodrigues, Senior Product Manager, will give you a tour of SNMP Traps as Logs, a new way to monitor SNMP traps with LogicMonitor. SNMP Traps as Logs enables real-time, event-driven notifications for critical networking issues within a user-friendly interface, unlocking instant insights. By ingesting SNMP traps as logs instead of EventSources, you can consolidate network troubleshooting efforts within a single pane of glass for a holistic Network Monitoring approach, eliminate monitoring gaps, improve reliability, and facilitate resource planning.

100G VXC Expansion: Now Available From 597 Data Centers Worldwide

Our 100G connectivity is now one of the most widely available in the NaaS market with new locations across America, Asia Pacific, and Europe. Due to a combination of technological advancements and the forced innovation brought on by COVID-19, businesses are now processing more data than ever. Analytics engines and big compute are being introduced and leveraged across diverse infrastructures. Generative AI is being incorporated wherever businesses can fit it, taking processing capacities to their limits.

Use the Catchpoint Terraform Provider in your CI/CD workflows

We recently made the Catchpoint Terraform provider available in the Terraform Registry, allowing our customers to manage their Catchpoint IPM tests with minimal configuration, enabling developers, SREs and DevOps teams to seamlessly integrate their Catchpoint data with Terraform.

The Iron Triangle in Project Management: Balancing Scope, Time, and Cost-And Why Automation Often Misses the Mark

In project management, the Iron Triangle is a classic concept that represents the interplay between three critical factors: scope, time, and cost. Imagine it as a triangle where each side symbolizes one of these factors. Modifying one side effects the other two, creating a delicate balance that project managers must navigate. But here’s the twist: When it comes to automation, we often tip the scales in ways that lead to inefficiencies and increased costs.

What is the impact of AI on data centers? #AI #datacenter #datacentersolutions

AI is the buzzword of the year for good reason—it's transforming industries, including data centers. Hyperview CEO, Jad Jebara explains how AI is tripling data center capacity, solving industry challenges, and why this is just the beginning.

MSP device templates at the admin level for tracking your customer's endpoints

Managed service providers (MSPs) are currently facing a critical challenge: efficiently managing and monitoring a diverse array of endpoints for multiple clients. At the core of effective network management is the seamless tracking of customer endpoints. The availability of device templates at the administrative level within Site24x7 is an advantage for many MSPs.