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SQL Sentry Tips and Tricks: Monitoring Targets Across Multiple Domains

A frequently asked question when I’m speaking with SQL Sentry customers is, “Can I monitor targets across multiple domains?” The answer to this question is yes. Although there might be specific scenarios in which you’ll want to have multiple SQL Sentry installs, it’s possible to monitor targets across multiple domains through one install (i.e., one centralized SQL Sentry database). There are a couple of different options available to do so.

More Upgrade Tales From the Ticket Queue

Recently, Leon kicked this sharing process off sharing what he has seen in the support queue. I read it, applaud it, and have more tips to share. As Leon mentioned, and you may have seen the banner on THWACK and other notifications regarding this, the digital signing certificate is being revoked on March 8, 2021. This means if you haven’t upgraded to get the new certificate before then, you’re probably going to run into issues running your Orion module(s) installation.

Monitoring PHP Application Performance: A Step-by-Step Guide

Today we’re here to show you the ropes on PHP monitoring. You’ll learn how to monitor the performance of your PHP applications. But why is doing this valuable in the first place? It used to be common for application performance to be considered a non-functional requirement. Things have changed, though. Nowadays, more and more software professionals have come to think of performance not as a nice-to-have, but as the most important must-have.

MSP software: 10 tools MSP companies should try in 2021

2021 is sure to bring a number of challenges for your MSP—here are some of the best tools on the market today that can help your company overcome these challenges. Managed services providers (MSPs) and other businesses that deal with sensitive data on behalf of their customers and their own organization face a range of challenges.

Upgrade Tales From the Ticket Queue

As you might imagine, it’s a bit of a busy time here at SolarWinds HQ. There is A LOT going on, not the least of which is encouraging our customers to upgrade before March 8. (Why March 8? Keep reading and I’ll explain in a moment.) First, I want to emphasize the important part of that sentence: “encouraging our customers to upgrade before March 8.”

ITSM For All: Bringing Human Resources into the Service Desk

For those who have been keeping up with our series on IT Service Management (ITSM) beyond IT, welcome back! If you’re new to this conversation, it isn’t like a podcast where I’ll send you back to part one, but you may find it helpful to visit the previous recommendations for other internal service providers. Reflecting on 2020, we saw how powerful collaboration in the service desk could be in maintaining users’ productivity and achieving broader business goals.

Debugging Development Logs with Papertrail and rKubeLog

It’s important to ensure the logging and monitoring of a service is as consistent across environments as the code itself. However, it can be expensive and cumbersome to test the logging functionality with the usual required log exporters, database infrastructure, and processing requirements of normal production-grade solutions.

SQL Sentry Events Log Updates Provide a Centralized View of Events

The SQL Sentry Environment Health Overview (EHO), which is part of the dashboard shown on the Start page, enables you to see all the conditions that have fired alongside the overall health of your database environment. We understand how useful it is to be able to quickly review the health information without having to dig deep into performance data, and we’re excited to announce a few enhancements to the EHO, Events Log, and Actions Log available in the SQL Sentry 2021.1 release.

Your Performance Data, Your Way With Custom Charts in SentryOne Portal

Our product and engineering teams have spent a significant amount of time over the past year working on a new dashboard experience in SentryOne® Portal to give you the upper hand in monitoring your servers and diagnosing performance issues. Providing control over the way data is displayed is one of our most requested features, and we’re excited to satisfy this request with custom charts.

"SUDO Teach Me a Lesson"

The command “sudo” is an essential part of Vax, Unix, and Linux operating systems. It’s so intrinsic to how SysAdmins work, many consider “sudo” to be a built-in command and are shocked when they encounter a system where it’s missing. Since its introduction in 1980, it’s been used millions of times a day, on millions of systems, by millions of users around the world.