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Welcome to our new community platform

Our community is more than just helping with questions, sharing experiences and tailoring monitoring together. We’ve grown so much in the past 10 years that we always seek to improve the conversation. You’ve seen our many Icinga Camps, keep following our social media channels, engage with developers on GitHub, read our blog … one thing is gladly missed: Our very own discussion platform which combines a forum with a mailing list and also enables quick chats known from IRC channels.

Migrating AngularJS to React and Keeping it Sane

Back in the days of the wild wild web (www) and post JQuery era, one web framework stood above all others: AngularJS. A “ring to rule them all”, AngularJS consolidated quite a few micro-frameworks and provided many extensibility points of expansion if needed. Over time though, many performance and architectural questions began to arise, to the point of no return – when the guys @Google decided to migrate from AngularJS to Angular (a poor naming decision).

PHP Error Log Guide: Configuration And Use Cases

When developing PHP applications, error logs are under-used because of their apparent complexity. PHP error logs are helpful, especially when configured and used properly. While there are advanced tricks to truly squeeze every last drop of utility out of error logs, this article will cover the basics of configuration and the most common use cases so you can get up and running quickly.

Minimalism in business

Even after being in business for 9 years, I still wanted to keep everything: every email, every note, every design draft or mockup — all the small things that helped Monitive evolve into what it is today. Storage is not an issue these days, and by the looks of where technology is headed, that trend will not change anytime soon. There’s just one catch.

Debugging serverless applications with Dashbird

With AWS Lambda, we get scalability and resilience out-of-the-box. What’s more, AWS also provides built-in monitoring, logging and tracing support through CloudWatch and X-Ray. These built-in tools provide a good starting point but many developers eventually outgrow them as their serverless application becomes more complex. In this post, let’s take a serverless application and see how Dashbird can help you debug a serverless application.

DOTComm Case Study

The Douglas Omaha Technology Commission (DOTComm) manages the IT services for the City of Omaha and Douglass County. Founded in 2001 the Organisation brought together the services previously delivered by two separate providers through a merger. This initiative was designed to deliver economies of scale, reduce costs and improve service provision by increasing the capacity of the organization.

JungleDisk Case Study

Modern businesses face a unique challenge when it comes to protecting their data, one that changes rapidly in our technology-focused lives: Backups fail; local disks fail; files become corrupted; hackers prey on IT users. Jungle Disk was founded to deliver robust data security to clients across a wide range of industry sectors and, since 2006, have been providing their clients with the latest technologies to keep their critical information safe.

timeShift(GrafanaBuzz, 1w) Issue 77

We’ve added more info on the upcoming talks at GrafanaCon LA and are excited to see the schedule shaping up. Grab your ticket while the last and join us February 25-26 for two days of great talks and hands-on workshops. This week we’re happy to share articles on how to view Azure Monitor Log Analytics data in Grafana, a proof of concept to visualize Fitbit data, how to quickly get up and running with Prometheus and more.

2018 year in review

There were some big IT headlines this past year. Microsoft acquired GitHub and IBM bought Red Hat. Kubernetes graduated from the CNCF incubator program. And the biggest headline of all—at least to those of us at Datadog, where we live and breathe monitoring—we released Datadog Agent version 6, a completely new monitoring agent written in Go! As we start the new year, we’d like to take a moment to recognize some of the incredible things our engineers accomplished in 2018.