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Using Codefresh with GKE Autopilot for native Kubernetes pipelines and GitOps deployment

Several companies nowadays offer a cloud-native solution that manages Kubernetes applications and services. While these solutions seem easy at first glance, in reality, they still require manual maintenance. As an example, an important decision for any Kubernetes cluster is the number of nodes and the autoscaling rules you define.

Expand Kubernetes Monitoring with Telegraf Operator

Monitoring is a critical aspect of cloud computing. At any time, you need to know what’s working, what isn’t, and have the ability to respond to changes occurring in a given environment. Effective monitoring begins with the ability to collect performance data from across an ecosystem and present it in a useful way. So the easier it is to manage monitoring data across an ecosystem, the more effective those monitoring solutions are and the more efficient that ecosystem is.

Deploy to Any Kubernetes Cluster Type with New Tanzu Mission Control Catalog Feature

Deploying packages to distributed Kubernetes clusters is time-consuming. Those in charge of provisioning and preparing infrastructure for application teams know the pain of preparing clusters for production. Provisioning is only the start of a laborious process required to prepare a cluster. Once the cluster is up and running, deploying tools for things like monitoring and security is a DevOps imperative.

Your First Shipa Webhook - Microsoft Teams Integration

One more “ops” phoneme like DevOps is ChatOps; or conversation-based development/operations. ChatOps has been growing in popularity as communication platforms such as Slack is ingrained in our day-to-day engineering lives. A team lead once told me “if it didn’t happen in Slack, it didn’t happen” showing the emphasis of communication platforms as a system of record.

Calico WireGuard support with Azure CNI

Last June, Tigera announced a first for Kubernetes: supporting open-source WireGuard for encrypting data in transit within your cluster. We never like to sit still, so we have been working hard on some exciting new features for this technology, the first of which is support for WireGuard on AKS using the Azure CNI. First a short recap about what WireGuard is, and how we use it in Calico.

New in the Kubernetes integration for Grafana Cloud: curated dashboards, built-in alerts, and more

Back in May, we announced the Kubernetes integration to help users easily monitor and alert on core Kubernetes cluster metrics using the Grafana Agent, our lightweight observability data collector optimized for sending metric, log, and trace data to Grafana Cloud. The integration allows Grafana Cloud users to monitor and alert on Kubernetes cluster metrics. Since the original release, we’ve added new features and enhancements to help our users go even further.

Access a Streamlined DevX for Amazon EKS and Extend the Power of AWS to More Apps with VMware

We’ve all heard the proverb “necessity is the mother of invention.” But have you stopped to consider how very true that is for enterprise applications? Docker invented the lightweight container runtime to answer the needs of agile development teams building cloud native apps. The growing ubiquity of containers necessitated the invention of a way to manage them in large numbers across fleets of machines—what we now know as Kubernetes.