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What Do Developers Need to Know About Kubernetes, Anyway?

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: you just pushed and deployed your latest change to production, and it’s rolling out to your Kubernetes cluster. You sip your coffee as you wrap up some documentation when a ping in the ops channel catches your eye—a sales engineer is complaining that the demo environment is slow. Probably nothing to worry about, not like your changes had anything to do with that… but, minutes later, more alerts start to fire off.

Turbocharge your API and microservice delivery on MicroK8s with Microcks

In the fast-paced world of software development, the ability to deliver and iterate quickly on APIs and microservices is essential. Traditional testing methods can be time-consuming and often slow down development cycles. That is where API and service mocking tools like Microcks can come to the rescue. Microcks shipped as a new community add-on for the recent MicroK8s 1.28 release. Microcks is a Cloud Native Computing Sandbox project dedicated to API mocking and testing tools on Kubernetes.

How Grafana Labs switched to Karpenter to reduce costs and complexities in Amazon EKS

At Grafana Labs we meet our users where they are. We run our services in every major cloud provider, so they can have what they need, where they need it. But of course, different providers offer different services — and different challenges. When we first landed on AWS in 2022 and began using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), we went with Cluster Autoscaler (CA) as our autoscaling tool of choice.

Enrich Kubernetes with New Deployment Tracking Capability

When things go wrong, we’d all love the ability to go back in time, return things to the way they were, and fix whatever issues pop up at the start so they never happen in the first place. This is no different when maintaining complex microservices-based architectures. With any complex system, things are bound to go wrong from time to time.

Cycle vs. Kubernetes: Why I See Organizations Making the Switch

Greetings! My name is Matt Krauser and I’m a Strategic Sales Executive here at Cycle. After participating in nearly a hundred demos of the platform, I wanted to step back from my day to day grind and share a little about my experience thus far. My goal in writing this is to compare Cycle and Kubernetes, discuss the primary pain points I hear from prospects and K8s users on a daily basis, and explain how Cycle can alleviate these challenges.

What is Docker Network Host?

Docker is a platform as a service for deploying applications in Docker containers. Containers are software "packages" that bundle together an application's source code with its libraries, configurations, and dependencies, helping software run more consistently and reliably on different machines. To start using Docker containers, you need to be familiar with Docker networking. Below, we'll answer the question: "What is a Docker network host?".

For the Kubernetes Value Line Look to Open Source Innovation

Kubernetes has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping the way organizations develop, deploy, and manage applications. Adoption of containers and Kubernetes has ballooned in the past years, as heralded by everyone from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) itself, to the vendors offering their Kubernetes wares, to the research firms that track trends in enterprise technology adoption.

Unveiling Rancher 2.8 and Rancher Prime 2.0: Advancing Interoperability and Efficiency

The Rancher by SUSE team has been dedicated to fortifying the Rancher platform to be the most interoperable and adaptable platform for our customers and the wider community over the past year. In late 2022, we introduced the ‘Extensions Catalog.’, and earlier this year at KubeCon Europe in Amsterdam, we revealed our Rancher UI Extensions framework. Continuing this momentum, we are thrilled to announce the release of Rancher 2.8 and Rancher Prime 2.0.