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Detect Content Security Policy (CSP) violations with Raygun

A Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. These attacks are used for everything from data theft to site defacement to the distribution of malware. Whilst blocking attacks is important, it is also useful to be notified of attacks when they happen. A breach could bring your organization to a halt — from broken webpages to data breaches.

Extending and Integrating the Monitoring System with Automation and Scripting

One of the hidden gems within eG Enterprise is the ability to perform remote actions and automated tasks using built-in functionality. In conversations with customers and community peers, I often get asked why we at eG Innovations don’t offer functionality in regard to adding custom scripts and a community database of shared scripts.

Kubernetes observability tutorial: Monitoring application performance with Elastic APM

This post is the third in our Kubernetes observability tutorial series, where we explore how you can monitor all aspects of your applications running in Kubernetes, including: We’ll discuss using Elastic Observability to perform application performance monitoring (APM) with the Elastic APM.

Monitoring Citrix Real Time User Experience: See What Performance Your Users Are Getting

User experience is the biggest and most important factor in determining the success of Citrix rollout in an organization. When end-users are happy with their virtualized applications and desktops, then everything is hunky dory and Citrix admins can focus on operations and maintenance.

Understand Complex Environments Without Being an Expert Using AppOptics for APM

Over the past two decades, two trends have completely reshaped the IT landscape: cloud computing and microservices. With cloud computing, organizations of all sizes can provision infrastructure and run applications on a global scale within minutes. And with microservices, these organizations can deploy highly scalable distributed workloads just as quickly.

Real User Monitoring vs. APM: What's the difference?

As modern development practices evolve at rapid rates we must stay focused on what makes for a great experience; fast, flawless software. In the pursuit of building fast, performant software, you’ve likely come across performance monitoring products like Real User Monitoring (RUM) and Application Performance Monitoring (APM). In this article, we go deeper into how using RUM and APM can help you and your team build better software experiences.

Application Slowness Troubleshooting:Prove it is not the Network!

This article was originally published on NetworkDataPedia. The one complaint that an IT administrator dreads to receive is one where an end user says, “My application is slow!”. The application in question can be a web application, an enterprise application like SAP, Microsoft SharePoint, or a SaaS application like Salesforce or Office 365.

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Achieving a 12% performance lift migrating Raygun's API to .NET Core 3.1

Here at Raygun, improving performance is baked into our culture. We don't just think about our application performance, but more broadly, we look at our own infrastructure and ask if there's anything we can do to make it more performant for our business and for our customers. Two years ago, we switched our API from Node.js to .NET Core and achieved a 2000% increase in throughput. To continue that story, we recently upgraded .NET Core 2.1 to 3.1 and saw a 12% increase in performance. We enjoy presenting our performance findings, so in this post, we'd like to give some context into why we upgraded and the conditions that helped us achieve the 12% performance lift.

Best Practices for Monitoring Azure Services

Monitoring your Azure cloud computing environment requires an understanding of each component of your Azure infrastructure and how they all interact. Cloud computing with Azure offers each of the three main advantages of cloud service providers: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). Combined, these three services provide a comprehensive cloud-based computing setup for any business.