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The Real Opportunity for Improving Outcomes with Monitoring and Observability

If you were pulled into a meeting right now and asked to give your thoughts on how to achieve better outcomes with monitoring and observability, what would you recommend? Would you default to suggesting that your team improve Mean Time To Detect (MTTD)? Sure, you might make some improvements in that area, but it turns out that most of the opportunities lie in what comes after your system detects an issue. Let’s examine how to measure improvements in monitoring and observability.

Monitoring smart city IoT devices with Grafana and Grafana Loki: Inside the Fuelics observability stack

For smart cities of the future, monitoring infrastructure metrics like fuel and water levels is vital to optimizing operations. Fuelics PC designs and deploys battery-operated narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) sensors that monitor fuel, water, waste, and even parking capacity at the edge, then transmit that data to the cloud for easy viewing and monitoring.

Goats on the Road: What Customers Are Telling Us

The best part of my job is talking with prospects and customers about their logging and data practices. I love to talk about everything they are currently doing and hope to accomplish so I can get a sense of overall goals and understand current pain points. It’s vital to come up with solutions that provide broad value across the enterprise and not just a narrow tactical win with limited impact.

Web Browser Update Problems: How to Monitor Website Performance Anomalies Caused by New Browser Versions

When new web browser versions are released, new bugs are inevitably introduced, which can degrade a website’s performance and increase the overall page load time. This can severely impact a user’s engagement and a business’s bottom line.

Data Observability Explained: How Observability Improves Data Workflows

Organizations in every industry are becoming increasingly dependent upon data to drive more efficient business processes and a better user experience. As the data collection and preparation processes that support these initiatives grow more complex, the likelihood of failures, performance bottlenecks, and quality issues within data workflows also increases.

How to Overcome Datadog Log Management Challenges

Datadog has made a name for itself as a popular cloud-native application performance monitoring tool, measuring a system’s health and status based on the telemetry data it generates. This telemetry includes machine-generated data, such as logs, metrics and traces. Cloud based applications and infrastructure generate millions (even billions) of logs – and analyzing them can generate a wealth of insights for DevOps, security, product teams and more.

Monitorama 2022: the good, the bad and the beautiful (Part 2)

ICYMI, this year’s Monitorama marks a return to the in-person event following a pandemic hiatus. In Part 1 of this series, I shared what it was like to navigate a tech conference in the post-pandemic world and the most engaging themes of the conference including tracing, SLIs, OpenTelemetry, and more. Now for Part 2, let’s dive into the talks. As usual the Monitorama talk selection team did a bang-up job. Every talk was interesting, but a few jumped out at me for some very specific reasons.

Splunk Snags Six 'Best of' Awards From Customer Reviews on TrustRadius

Splunk is honored to be the recipient of a series of six new awards from TrustRadius—all based on customer reviews. In this round, TrustRadius grants its “Best of” Awards to the top three products per Best Feature Set, Best Value for Price and Best Relationship in each respective category.

Log Forwarding with HAProxy and Syslog

Developing a strategy for collecting application-level logs necessitates stepping back and looking at the big picture. Engineers developing the applications may only see logging at its ground level: the code that writes the event to the log—for example a function that captures Warning: An interesting event has occurred! But where does that message go from there? What path does it travel to get to its destination?

Alerting Techniques for an observable platform

Observable and secure platforms use three connected data sets: logs, metrics, and traces. Platforms can link these data to alerting systems to notify system administrators when an event requires intervention. There are nuances to setting up these alerts so the system is kept healthy and the system administrators are not chasing false positive alerts.