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Understanding Where You Fit in the Web Performance Maturity Curve

We all know that faster is better. Research and results clearly indicate that faster experiences with fewer errors result in increased usage, conversion, and revenue. With the desire to improve business metrics in mind, organizations often seek immediate improvements in customer experience across digital properties. However, without proper planning and coordination, these attempts consistently fail.

How Psyonix wins with better logging

When you grow your peak concurrent users by 5x nearly overnight, ensuring that your operations can successfully support that growth can be a make or break for your success. Rocket League is a popular online multiplayer game created by Psyonix described as arcade-style soccer and vehicular mayhem. In the summer of 2020, the game maker decided to switch the business model of the game from an upfront purchase to a free to play model.

An Intro Guide to Game Engine Logging & Locating Your Logs

Game development is an entirely different beast to other industries. Marketing, development, and release are more tightly interwoven than in other sectors, with a lot of pressure to meet community-anticipated milestones and launch. As such, it’s important to have game engine logging and monitoring pipelines set up for your projects. In other platforms, version upgrades and roll-outs tend to be sudden, with no definitive date set.

Full Stack Django Monitoring, Part 2

In the first part of this series, we deployed a Django application on a DigitalOcean Droplet and created a simple Django application. To monitor our Django application, we installed the SolarWinds® APM Integrated Experience featuring AppOptics™, Loggly®, and Pingdom®. In the conclusion of this article, we’ll explore the different types of monitoring provided by the APM Integrated Experience.

Why You Need Real-Time for Faster MTTR

“If you ain't first, you're last.” While that famous one-liner from Ricky Bobby (Will Ferrell) in the cult hit Talladega Nights is more joke than catchphrase, it hits home for those of us in the world of DevOps and Observability. Faster is better. And in our technology-driven world of online transactions and complex environments, faster isn’t just better — it’s crucial.

Log Management Challenges in Modern IT Environments

Modern IT environments have presented many difficult-to-overcome challenges to organizations in recent times. One such challenge is gaining visibility into the systems. One may argue that due to cloud computing and limitless storage, it is now very easy to overcome some of the conventional challenges regarding visibility. However, the architecture has changed into infrastructure scheduling and microservices. Hardware and software programs are now more complex, with their own set of challenges.

The Importance of Log Management for Your Home Network

The team at observIQ is just like every one of you reading this, we are avid programmers, gamers, traders, thinkers, and innovators who build an elaborate home network for fun, work, and for the simple reason that we enjoy technology. We are constantly growing the size and footprint of our home networks and labs as well – adding custom apps, devices, and servers, making it challenging to gauge our technical footprint.

How to Use Observability to Reduce MTTR

When you’re operating a web application, the last thing you want to hear is “the site is down." Regardless of the reason, the fact that it is down is enough to cause anyone responsible for an app to break out into a sweat. As soon as you become aware of an issue, a clock starts ticking — literally, in some cases — to get the issue fixed. Minimizing this time between an issue occurring and its resolution is arguably the number one goal for any operations team.

How Log Analytics Powers Cloud Operations: Three Best Practices for CloudOps Engineers

At the turn of the 20th Century, enterprises shut down their clunky generators and started buying electricity from new utilities such as the Edison Illuminating Company. In doing so, they cut costs, simplified operations, and made profound leaps in productivity. The promise of modern cloud computing invites easy comparisons to those first electric utilities: outsource to them, save money and simplify.

Is Operational Resilience in Financial Services actually just a data problem?

Operational resilience is currently a hot topic in Financial Services, largely because of the impact that COVID has had on how customers interact with financial institutions. Almost overnight, the financial services industry had to cope with a large volume of transactions moving to digital channels at the same time as its employees were forced to set up home offices so that they could continue to work remotely.