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Tutorial: Set Up Event Streams in CloudWatch

When building a microservices system, configuring events to trigger additional logic using an event stream is highly valuable. One common use case is receiving notifications when errors are seen in one of your APIs. Ideally, when errors occur at a specific rate or frequency, you want your system to detect that and send your DevOps team a notification. Since AWS APIs often use stateless functions like Lambdas, you need to include a tracking mechanism to send these notifications manually.

How to Monitor Full-Stack Django Applications

Modern web applications can be complex. A typical application stack usually involves several components spread across different layers. For example, HTML5 and AngularJS can make up a site’s front end. User inputs and queries from the front end can be passed on to containerized microservices running on a middleware, which in turn could pass the queries to a back-end database. Systems like WAFs and LDAP servers can be used for security and authentication.

Monitor Salesforce logs with Datadog

Visibility into your Salesforce environment is crucial for keeping your data secure and ensuring a seamless user eperience. That’s why we are excited to announce that Datadog can now collect Salesforce event logs directly from your Real-Time Event Monitoring stream, giving you deep insights into the security and operational performance of your Salesforce environment.

How to configure Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes with SAML and hot-warm-cold architecture

Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) is an easy way to get the Elastic Stack up and running on top of Kubernetes. That’s because ECK automates the deployment, provisioning, management, and setup of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and more. As logging and metric data — or time series data — has a predictable lifespan, you can use hot, warm, and cold architecture to easily manage your data over time as it ages and becomes less relevant.

What the Fastly Outage Can Teach Us About Observability

On Tuesday June 8th, the Content Delivery Network Fastly experienced an outage that made large swaths of the web unavailable for nearly an hour. To focus on the positive, this outage can serve as a wakeup call for Observability teams, because it shows how much modern sites depend on resources beyond their immediate control, and how hard it is to "observe" these kinds of issues with an incomplete Observability mindset.

Key JVM Metrics to Monitor for Peak Java Application Performance

Monitoring is crucial if you want to see what happens in your system and JVM-based applications are not different. Well, some metrics, like memory and garbage collection, require special attention because they play a major role in your application performance. In this blog post, we will look into the key Java Virtual Machine (JVM) metrics that you should monitor if you care about performance and stability. Those are the memory, the garbage collection, and the JVM threads.

Multi-Project Cloud Monitoring made easier

Customers need scale and flexibility from their cloud and this extends into supporting services such as monitoring and logging. Google Cloud’s Monitoring and Logging observability services are built on the same platforms used by all of Google that handle over 16 million metrics queries per second, 2.5 exabytes of logs per month, and over 14 quadrillion metric points on disk, as of 2020.

Splunk Connector for Ivanti Device Control - Now Available!

Ivanti Device Control is all about securing your endpoints while also providing a detailed overview to quickly identify weak links in your environment. The latter has now become much simpler and quicker to perform! Our new Splunk connector enables you to connect directly to your Ivanti Device Control environment, feeding in all reported events and showing you the most important data in a single dashboard.