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Key JVM Metrics to Monitor for Peak Java Application Performance

Monitoring is crucial if you want to see what happens in your system and JVM-based applications are not different. Well, some metrics, like memory and garbage collection, require special attention because they play a major role in your application performance. In this blog post, we will look into the key Java Virtual Machine (JVM) metrics that you should monitor if you care about performance and stability. Those are the memory, the garbage collection, and the JVM threads.

Monitoring Kafka Performance with Splunk

Today’s business is powered by data. Success in the digital world depends on how quickly data can be collected, analyzed and acted upon. The faster the speed of data-driven insights, the more agile and responsive a business can become. Apache Kafka has emerged as a popular open-source stream-processing solution for collecting, storing, processing and analyzing data at scale.

Collecting Kafka Performance Metrics with OpenTelemetry

In a previous blog post, "Monitoring Kafka Performance with Splunk," we discussed key performance metrics to monitor different components in Kafka. This blog is focused on how to collect and monitor Kafka performance metrics with Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring using OpenTelemetry, a vendor-neutral and open framework to export telemetry data. In this step-by-step getting-started blog, we will.

Classic Event Viewer Retires

The classic event viewer, introduced in June 2011, has been the heart of SolarWinds® Papertrail™. It’s where we spend most of our time, searching, tailing, and sharing event data. Over the last 10 years, Papertrail fans across the globe have shared their ideas with our development team and helped us improve and refine the event viewer.

Visualize Humio logs alongside your other data sources in Grafana Cloud with the new plugin for Grafana

Being able to get the big picture and immediately pivot between siloed data is one of the key values Grafana Cloud provides. Our composable observability platform integrates Prometheus and Graphite metrics, Loki logs, and Tempo traces with Grafana — and also allows you to draw data in from other sources of your choice concurrently.

Elastic License Update

In January 2021, we announced that starting with version 7.11, we would be changing the Apache 2.0 portions of Elasticsearch and Kibana source code to be dual licensed under Elastic License and SSPL, at the users’ discretion. As part of that change, we created Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2) as a permissive, fair-code license, which allows free use, redistribution, modification, and derivative works, with only three simple limitations, outlined in our original announcement.

Introducing Sensu

Since 2010, it has been Sumo Logic’s mission to democratize machine data. Naturally, we tend to focus on the outcomes: reliable and secure applications and systems that are the engines of successful modern businesses. But to drive these outcomes, and before the spotlight-hogging analytics kick in, algorithms require data. And this is where the magic starts! Sensu has been working on championing a monitoring as code approach to building observability pipelines for a decade now.

Why Are SaaS Observability Tools So Far Behind?

Salesforce was the first of many SaaS-based companies to succeed and see massive growth. Since they first started out in 1999, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) tools have taken the IT sector and, well the world, by storm. For one, they mitigate bloatware by moving applications from the client’s computer to the cloud. Plus, the sheer ease of use brought by cloud-based, plug-and-play software solutions has transformed all sorts of sectors.