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Scalability in IT: The Complete Guide To Scaling

Somewhere in the IT multiverse, a perfect balance has been achieved between demand for IT services and installed system capacity. Unfortunately, that isn’t our world. IT systems operate in swing periods of idle capacity and overloads, as the ebb and flow of demand is influenced by various internal and external factors.

APM Metrics: The Ultimate Guide

How your software applications perform is an extremely important factor in determining end-user satisfaction. APM metrics are the key indicators that help business-critical applications achieve peak performance. This article explains APM metrics, their importance, and the core APM metrics used by modern software systems to measure and optimize the performance of their applications.

OpenTelemetry and Elastic: Working together to establish continuous profiling for the community

Profiling is emerging as a core pillar of observability, aptly dubbed the fourth pillar, with the OpenTelemetry (OTel) project leading this essential development. This blog post dives into the recent advancements in profiling within OTel and how Elastic® is actively contributing toward it. At Elastic, we’re big believers in and contributors to the OpenTelemetry project.

Effortlessly Search Data From Amazon S3 Buckets With Cribl Search

On a scale from walk-in-the-park → scaling Mount Everest, how easy is it for you to search your S3 buckets? Retrieving data to respond to security incidents, demonstrate compliance, or extract insights shouldn’t require jumping through hoops or overpaying for access.Cribl Search has native support for platforms like Amazon Security Lake, Amazon S3, Azure Blob, and Google Cloud Storage, enabling seamless data analysis right at its source.

Signs You Are Suffering From Alert Fatigue

In an IT environment with multiple alerting channels and notifications, it is easy to become overwhelmed and desensitized to alerts. This tendency to avoid or respond negatively to incoming alerts is alert fatigue. Alert fatigue is a crucial issue in IT teams, with the sheer volume of alerts generated by modern IT systems. You might prioritize the first five alerts you receive in a workday. Maybe even up to the tenth alert. But is the twentieth alert as important?

Enhancing IT Operations: Exploring End-to-End Observability

Organizations like yours are increasingly reliant on complex IT infrastructures to support their operations. Pervasive use of Kubernetes and microservices architectures continues to up the ante. Amidst this complexity, achieving comprehensive visibility into systems and applications has become both imperative for ensuring performance, reliability, and security, while also becoming ever-more challenging to achieve.

Evidence-Based Threat Detection With Corelight and Cribl

Organizations today face a growing list of obstacles as they try to improve their detection, coverage, and accuracy. For one, data proliferation is happening at an astronomical rate. When was the last time your network bandwidth went down? What about your license costs for data storage or your SIEM? Difficulties arise from overlapping and poorly integrated tools that generate disparate data streams and several operational efficiencies.

What is OpenTelemetry?

At observIQ, we are big believers and contributors to the OpenTelemetry project. In 2023, we noticed project awareness reached an all-time high as we attended trade shows like KubeCon and Monitorama. The project’s benefits of flexibility, performance, and vendor agnosticism have been making their rounds; we’ve seen a groundswell of customer interest.

The Top 10 IoT Monitoring Tools

IoT (Internet of Things) is the overarching term used to describe the extensive network of devices connected to the Internet. This term covers a broad range of objects or ‘things’ from consumer technology such as smart home lighting to crop management in agriculture. IoT allows everyday devices to effectively connect and exchange data with one another.

What is an API Gateway

When people bemoan the complexity of interconnected IT environments, they usually mean that an organization has a lot of applications that all share data with each other. As your organization adds more applications, you need to make sure that they securely share data with each other. In short, security and development teams find themselves working to deploy and protect the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that enable applications to talk to each other.