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Are your websites ready to handle traffic peaks this holiday season?

The final 4 months of the year are an incredibly busy time for retailers, as holiday sales are in full swing from early October and continue all the way into the new year. That’s a whole lot of time for increased holiday web traffic to cause performance issues, and during the busiest sales period of the year - there’s no time to lose.

Track and triage errors in your logs with Datadog Error Tracking

Reducing noise in your error logs is critical for quickly identifying bugs in your code and determining which to prioritize for remediation. To help you spot and investigate the issues causing error logs in your environments, we’re pleased to announce that Datadog Error Tracking is now available for Log Management in open beta.

If Modified Henry Ford Were Your CIO, You'd Be Crushing It in the Cloud

I was hesitant to write a piece on Henry Ford because of his unsavory political views that have tarnished his reputation. However, if we focus on Ford only as a businessman and innovator we can draw some compelling parallels to today’s industrial and business landscape. Thus, for this article we will postulate a modified Henry Ford, a virtual character who possesses only Henry Ford’s positive qualities.

4 Most Common Website Security Threats (2023) + Solutions

For infrastructure administrators tasked with ensuring the reliable operation of their applications, the thought of a lurking cyberattack can be one to lose sleep over. An attack on your system and the services you provide could render your applications unresponsive, resulting in a security breach, or loss of data.

How Finance Can Instill An ROI Mindset In Engineering

Conventional wisdom states that SaaS engineers don’t care about costs. They care about building an optimal product, regardless of the dollar signs associated with it. As a result, the finance team feels they must corral the engineers’ efforts and constrain them to work within an agreed budget. In fact, the FinOps Foundation’s annual survey consistently ranks “getting engineers to take action on cost optimization” as the number one challenge experienced by FinOps specialists.

Multi-cloud trends in the healthcare sector

In the last few years, driven in no small part by the impact of the pandemic, cloud technology has had a profound effect on healthcare. Despite being one of the last sectors to go all-in on public cloud, the maturity of offerings seems to be finally winning the industry over, opening up significant opportunities for telemedicine and virtual care to adapt to evolving patient and workforce needs.

Takeaways from the Kubernetes state of play 2022 Report

As Kubernetes becomes increasingly integrated across IT environments, organizations are growing more ambitious in how they use the technology, building established use cases like infrastructure management and microservices into new and ambitious fields like machine learning and edge computing. Is Kubernetes ready for this new era? What obstacles still lie in the way that risk slowing growth? Our Kubernetes State of Play for 2022 sought to answer these questions and more.

The 4 Most Exciting Features Coming For January 2023

What a year. 2022 was crazy for our product team. So many features have been released, like our new open-source web console, our Terraform Provider, RBAC, and Container Deployment... I can't even list all the things we have delivered. You should check out our changelogs, updated every 2 weeks, to see how crazy the pace was. Now, it's the perfect time to announce the most expected and exciting features coming for January 2023. Let's go!

SQL Server Monitoring: What metrics to track

SQL Server Monitoring has become an essential part of modern-day applications since a major chunk of these applications rely heavily on a database. It is therefore important to monitor your metrics and make the best out of your database services. SQL Server Monitoring offers plenty of metrics to choose from. We will be breaking down the five key categories that an SQL server provides for a comprehensive view of their functionality.

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Is AIOps Bad for Your Business?

With advances in the field of IT, the amount of data needed to manage IT Operations has grown. In particular with more complex environments, such as the SaaS world, the amounts of data and raw data needed to manage operations have grown exponentially. Managing data manually has become a waste of professionals' skill sets, which could be better used in analyzing and applying the conclusions drawn from the raw data, and not dealing with basic issues that may arise.