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What's New with VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ for Kubernetes 1.3

Paula Stack and Roser Blasco co-wrote this post. As a refresher, VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ is based on the hugely popular open source technology RabbitMQ, which is a message broker with event streaming capabilities that connects multiple distributed applications and processes high-volume data in real-time and at scale.

Promoted to SRE Advocate: A Dream Turned Reality

I get chills thinking about a line from the first film adaptation of Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Gene Wilder as Wonka nearly whispers it to Charlie, as if it is secret information: We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams. For me, the quote (taken from a poem by Arthur O'Shaughnessy) is austere: We are the creators of what we create, and what we create becomes what we are.

Best Open Source Application Monitoring Tools

As businesses grow and develop, so must the tools that help manage them. Application monitoring tools provide enterprises with a way to keep track of the health and performance of their applications and ensure that everything is running smoothly. Application monitoring tools have a wide range of capabilities and data that enterprises can use to help answer questions about the current state of an application.

Monitoring Your Platform From Multiple Locations

Mature start-ups and scale-ups create wonderful and challenging environments for Engineers. As the product they’re creating matures and the brand becomes a successful one, the user base generally starts growing, and, for some companies, in places they might not expect it to grow. As that happens, new challenges arise for Engineers. One of these challenges is pretty straightforward to guess. Basically having a particular product available throughout different regions of the world.

Kubernetes 101: How To Set Up "Vanilla" Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open source platform that, through a central API server, allows controllers to watch and adjust what’s going on. The server interacts with all the nodes to do basic tasks like start containers and pass along specific configuration items such as the URI to the persistent storage that the container requires. But Kubernetes can quickly get complicated. So, let’s look at Vanilla Kubernetes — the nickname for a a K8s setup that’s as basic and elementary as it gets.

Using Automation to Transform IT From Cost Center to Value Driver

In today’s digital age, IT has become the central component of business operations. Yet, despite its critical importance, skilled technicians continue to find their hands tied by time-consuming manual tasks. And, while many of these tasks are essential, they do virtually nothing to drive innovation. Introducing automation into the mix can free up IT talent to focus their skills on more important business initiatives – particularly those that drive change and generate revenue.

How Gremlin's reliability score works

In order to make reliability improvements tangible, there needs to be a way to quantify and track the reliability of systems and services in a meaningful way. This "reliability score" should indicate at a glance how likely a service is to withstand real-world causes of failure without having to wait for an incident to happen first. Gremlin's upcoming feature allows you to do just that.

Automate deployment of ASP.NET Core apps to Heroku

Known for its cross-platform compatibility and elegant structure, ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework created by Microsoft for building modern web applications. With it, development teams can build monolithic web applications and RESTful APIs of any size and complexity. Thanks to CircleCI’s improved infrastructure and support for Windows platforms and technology, setting up an automated deployment process for an ASP.NET Core application has become even easier.

Monitor your T2A-powered GKE workloads with Datadog

Arm processors have become increasingly popular in recent years, providing energy-efficient, cost-effective processing power to both mobile and cloud computing ecosystems. As a part of this growth, more and more organizations are choosing to leverage the many benefits of Arm-based architectures for their containerized workloads. Today, Google Cloud announced its Arm-based Tau T2A virtual machines (VMs), which you can also use to run workloads in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).