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Is it All About the Brand? Yes and No!

Working for a company, you always want to think that your product or service is superior to the competition. As a Marketing executive, a major part of my job is to highlight why Ribbon is a leader in delivering IP Optical and Cloud & Edge solutions to the largest service providers, enterprises and critical infrastructure companies all over the world. But how do our customers perceive us? What do they really think of the Ribbon brand? How do we fare against our competitors in customers’ minds?

New 'Pod Status and Logs' Dash Saves Time and Unifies Execution

Time is invaluable. Besides being one of those can’t-argue-with universal truths, this is also one of the guiding principles behind Komodor; the promise behind our ‘troubleshooting efficiently and independently’ motto. ‘Pods Status and Logs’ is the latest of our timesaving features that enables you to quickly drill down in the pods of an unhealthy service, all from the comfort of your Komodor dashboard.

How to Troubleshoot Kubernetes with Confidence - 2021 Cloud-Native Days Summit

We recently attended the 2021 Cloud-Native Days Summit, where our co-founding CEO Ben Ofiri gave a lightning round talk on How to Troubleshoot Kubernetes With Confidence. In case you missed it, here’s a recording and transcript for your convenience.

The More the Merrier: Multi-Arch Docker Manifests with Buildx and Artifactory

The cloud native promise to be able to “build once, deploy anywhere” is nearly fulfilled. With containerization and Docker , we can build our applications and services for any environment, and set configuration at runtime. Well,… almost. Operating systems and apps still need to be compiled to execute on specific architecture types. Your software that’s been compiled for an AMD64 processor can’t run on an ARM-based machine, nor can one built for Linux run on Windows.

Happy birthday - 30 Years of Linux

Thirty years ago today, Linus Torvalds announced his free operating system to the world. As with many of the world’s greatest, Linux had humble beginnings as a very small pet project. The GNU was working on an ambitious free, public domain operating system but the project had been delayed, and enthusiasts were quick to adopt Linus’ new project.

Fargate vs ECS - Comparing Amazon's container management services

Kubernetes and containerization of applications brings many benefits to software development, enabling speed, agility, and flexibility. The maturation of the Kubernetes ecosystem accelerated quickly in the last few years, leaving users with a multitude of choices when it comes to Kubernetes tooling and services. The major cloud providers (AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud) have introduced services specifically to help users run their Kubernetes applications more efficiently and effectively.

Deploy Puppet Enterprise agents with HashiCorp Terraform on Azure VMs

HashiCorp Terraform is an open source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that is widely used to deploy cloud infrastructure in the public cloud, such as AWS and Azure, along with on-premises VMware vSphere environments. One of the challenges is developing a method for bootstrapping the instances with configuration management agents such as the Puppet Enterprise agent.

Tame the Alert Storm

In the past, troubleshooting an IT service issue could be quite simple. For example, an application disruption could often be isolated to a physical server or small group of servers that neatly fit into the domain of a single team that managed the company’s servers. However, with the dynamic landscape in modern IT environments, this is very rarely the case. Over time, you accumulate IT systems, which usually means you deploy tools to manage them.