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5 best incident management tools of 2023

Put simply, managing incidents—big or small—is good for business. Not only is it a regulatory requirement, but also a factor in your profits. Your customers expect smooth operations, good customer service and protection. A dedicated incident management tool can help protect all of these. While many may think of incidents as an IT or DevOps issue, it’s hard to over emphasize that they can happen in any department.

Incident Management Tools - Do I Even Need Them?

Software is hard… Maintaining software reliability is harder than it used to be. Software systems have grown dramatically in complexity, as they’re applied in a wider range of applications and environments. Many of which have become fundamental to the everyday function of our society. On the other hand, the pace of software development and release is also faster than ever. Innovating new features faster than competitors has become the key to success in a rapidly-changing market.

CDI's evolution with BigPanda: from partner to customer

CDI’s partnership with BigPanda has catapulted them to the forefront of modern IT operations. Through reselling and implementing BigPanda’s technology for customers, CDI saw the remarkable value of the platform and began to integrate it into their own business. In the process, they’ve become a partner and a customer—leveraging the product to transform their own operations in ways that previously seemed unimaginable.

Introducing PagerDuty Status Pages for Improved Customer Communication and Savings

In 2023, the fight to retain customers will be one of the biggest factors determining whether a business can survive the recession all are predicting. One of the key findings from the 2022 State of Service Report from Salesforce is that great service is at the heart of customer retention: 48% of customers will switch brands for better customer service when something goes wrong, and they view open communication as a key factor in how a customer might gauge the quality of customer service.

Lessons from the CircleCI Security Incident

In some respects, security and reliability are competing priorities. Security controls may reduce reliability, and responding to security incidents may require mission-critical systems to be paused or shut down until they're secure. The recent security incident involving CircleCI, however, shows that it's not always necessary to choose between prioritizing security or reliability.

2022 BigPanda product year in review

The start of a new year often includes reflecting on what you accomplished over the past year and setting new goals for the year ahead. In 2022, BigPanda set big goals to help organizations prevent and resolve IT and service outages through our innovative Incident Intelligence and Automation platform, powered by AIOps. On average, our customers sent us 2.3 billion events and changes per month, with our largest customers by volume sending us approximately 165 million events each.

Critical Metrics and Alerts in the Continuous Delivery Process

Continuous delivery is a software development approach in which code changes are automatically staged for production release. A foundation for modern application development, continuous delivery extends continuous integration by automatically deploying code changes to test and production environments after the build phase. When properly implemented, developers have deployable build artifacts that have passed a standardized testing process and can be deployed to environments as needed.

Playbooks: A new superpower for designers

From one designer to another, you should know why Playbooks is a fantastic addition to your design tool belt. Playbooks were designed with technical workflows in mind, from incident response to release management, but its flexibility makes it a perfect fit for any repeated process. I love it for creating reusable templates of design checklists and an excellent way to do design review sign-off.

Failure Analysis: Engineering incidents are a bigger problem than you think

Engineering incidents can be quite harmful for companies, both in terms of financial costs and reputational damage. In some cases, engineering incidents can even put people's lives at risk, which can have serious legal and moral implications for the company involved.