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Whitelist Email Addresses in Outlook ...for Office365 and Outlook Web

TLDR; "If you expect to receive important emails from a trusted email address it is worth whitelisting the address to make sure that emails won't be accidentally blocked by an overzealous email client." Here we provide step-by-step instructions on how to do it in Outlook for Office365 by adding the email address to your safe senders list...

Why is Log Management Important

Ever since humankind developed the ability to write, much of our progress has been made thanks to recording and using data. In ages long past, notes were made on the production and gathering of resources, the exact number of available soldiers and other important personnel, and were compiled and stored by hand. Because of this documentation method, important information was also prone to being misplaced, lost, or even mishandled.

Container Logging & Devops: the Future of Kubernetes Integration

I hosted a webinar where I covered why logging is important, how to choose a logging provider. And then shared our experience of setting up logging on Kubernetes containers, the Kubernetes logging framework and the logging best practices we’ve implemented internally and supported our customers who run Kubernetes in production.

Troubleshooting Insights for Success Within your Epic Deployment

Healthcare organizations that deploy Epic to support the patients that they see every day have a responsibility to ensure that Epic is always online and performing well. Take for example, a hospital that uses Epic for all its patient services to keep the patients healthy and to ensure their safety Epic needs to be online 24×7. Monitoring and troubleshooting both the underlying infrastructure and Epic are critical to ensuring patients get the care they need.

Using t2.unlimited to Increase Packet Limitations

I set out to find a credit mechanism or hard-coded limit in packets per second in AWS EC2. After all my findings set out in this series so far, I had one more test to perform around t2.unlimited. I wanted to see how “unlimited” it is and the difference it makes in packet throughput on capable instance types. This post is about my findings.

Setting Up Application Performance Monitoring with the ELK Stack and Logz.io

Application Performance Monitoring, aka APM, is one of the most common methods used by engineers today to measure the availability, response times and behavior of applications and services. There are a variety of APM solutions in the market but if you’re familiar with the ELK Stack or are a Logz.io user, this article describes using a relatively new open source-based solution — Elastic APM.

BigBlueButton integration brings powerful web conferencing tools to Mattermost

BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system. The product enables real-time sharing of audio, video, slides and screens, with collaborative capabilities such as shared whiteboard, polling and breakout rooms. Blindside Networks, the company behind the BigBlueButton project, has created a plugin that brings all of these collaborative capabilities within Mattermost.