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Logs and Metrics and Traces, Oh My!

There are a lot of aspects to supporting modern applications, and it all starts with the data applications produce that give visibility and insights into what is going on. In the first episode of Dissecting DevOps, Dave and Chris review the differences between logs, metrics, and traces. Find out how these sources of data help you better understand and support your application.

[Webinar] Best practices to manage AWS cloud

Site24x7 offers unified cloud monitoring for DevOps and IT operations. Monitor the experience of real users accessing websites and applications from desktop and mobile devices. In-depth monitoring capabilities enable DevOps teams to monitor and troubleshoot applications, servers and network infrastructure including private and public clouds. End user experience monitoring is done from 90+ locations across the world and various wireless carriers.

Deploy ChatOps with Microsoft Teams + Resolve Automation to Modernize Your Service Desk!

Looking for a chat capability for your ITSM tool, and already have Microsoft Teams? Why not use Resolve Automation to power chat ops for Service Desk Transformation. Join Brent Hunter to see how you can quickly integrate common tasks.