The latest News and Information on Log Management, Log Analytics and related technologies.
We are using data wrong. In today’s data-driven world, we have learned to store data. Our data storage capabilities have grown exponentially over the decades, and everyone can now store petabytes of data. Let’s all collectively pat ourselves on the back. We have won the war on storing data! Congratulations!
Flaky tests are a problem that are found in almost every codebase. By definition, a flaky test is a test that both succeeds and fails without any changes to the code. For example, a flaky test may pass when someone runs it locally, but then fails on continuous integration (CI). Another example is that a flaky test may pass on CI, but when someone pushes a commit that hasn’t touched anything related to the flaky test, the test then fails.
User experience is key to ensuring the success of your website. There are many metrics that help you gauge and improve it, but Core Web Vitals are probably the most important ones. They are a set of real-world, user-centered metrics that quantify key aspects of the user experience. By measuring dimensions of web usability such as load time, interactivity, and the stability of content as it loads, Core Web Vitals help you understand how your website is doing in terms of performance.