Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Why observability is the way to go w/ Georg Höllebauer (APA-Tech) | The StackPod EP #2

Welcome to the second episode of the StackPod! For the second episode, we invited Georg Höllebauer. Georg is an enterprise metrics architect at APA-Tech. APA-Tech is responsible for all IT services within the Austrian Press Agency - Austria's national and largest press agency - and other customers.

New in the Kubernetes integration for Grafana Cloud: curated dashboards, built-in alerts, and more

Back in May, we announced the Kubernetes integration to help users easily monitor and alert on core Kubernetes cluster metrics using the Grafana Agent, our lightweight observability data collector optimized for sending metric, log, and trace data to Grafana Cloud. The integration allows Grafana Cloud users to monitor and alert on Kubernetes cluster metrics. Since the original release, we’ve added new features and enhancements to help our users go even further.

Goliath Technologies Launches Multi-Cloud Monitor

Philadelphia, PA – December 2, 2021 – Goliath Technologies, a leader in end-user experience monitoring and troubleshooting software for hybrid cloud environments, announced today the release of its groundbreaking Goliath Multi-Cloud Monitor offering.

Live from AWS re:Invent - Time Travel with Splunk and AWS

Presenters: Jon LeBaugh and Robert Gustafson Time Travel is possible! Well, at least for data in Splunk. Learn how and why we use AWS Lambda, Splunk smart store, and Amazon S3 to move data into the future in the behind the scenes look at Splunk’s Boss of Ops and O11y capture the flag competition.

Live from AWS re:Invent - Metrics and Logs Sitting in a Tree, Lowering your MTT*s

We all know by now that the exponential increase in cloud complexity has required a shift in traditional monitoring. These major changes lead to major challenges. Most environments are becoming more and more difficult to predict outages and determine root cause. There is a need for both real-time monitoring and alerting as well as a way to flexibly dig into your data to determine true root cause. Introducing the hottest new couple: metrics and logs. Come see how this duo can help speed up cloud adoption, future-proof your cloud monitoring, and lower MTTD and MTTR.

Five things everyone needs to know about their AWS environment that they can't see from Cloudwatch

At Splunk we love AWS, and we love all things Cloudwatch... it's a great source of data to collect and correlate. Sometimes we get asked "Why do I need Splunk when I have Cloudwatch dashboards?" What a great question! Join this session to learn about five critical insights about your AWS environment that you'll never get using Cloudwatch alone. Behold the power of Splunk's search and analysis platform!

How to Monitor Cloud Services and Why It Matters

In this webinar, we explain how—and why—tools like traceroute, when used as part of synthetic monitoring, provide deep insight into network problems such as SaaS or cloud application slowdowns. Presented by Michael Patterson, Kentik network technologist, founder and former CEO of Plixer Watch this on-demand webinar to learn.