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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Domain-Centric vs. Domain-Agnostic AIOps: What to Use When

AIOps platforms fall into two main categories: domain-centric and domain-agnostic solutions. What are the differences between domain-centric and domain-agnostic AIOps, and why should you choose one type of solution or the other? Read on for guidance on understanding the respective pros and cons of domain-centric and domain-agnostic AIOps.

Data Visualization Made Easy with ReactJS, Nivo and InfluxDB

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a well-done data visualization is worth a million. The quality of a dashboard can make or break an application. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make high-quality data visualizations easily by using the Nivo charting library with ReactJS. You will also learn how to query data stored in InfluxDB to make your charts dynamic and versatile.

DevOps State of Mind Podcast Episode 3: DevRel and DevOps, Two Peas in a Pod

‍Joe Karlsson is a senior developer advocate at SingleStore. SingleStore has a highly scalable SQL database that delivers maximum performance for transactional and analytical workloads, all with familiar relational data structures. Joe collaborates with teams across the company to amplify developers' voices and provide support for multiple audiences. Today, we're going to talk about cross team empathy and why DevRel and DevOps work hand in hand.

5 Reasons Why Your Online Business Needs Website Monitoring

In an age where the internet and eCommerce have such a massive influence on consumers' lives, no business can afford to have an unreliable website. It is as simple as that. Unstable websites cause downtime, repel customers and result in you losing sales. That's why website monitoring is so critical. In this article, you'll learn the specific benefits of constant website monitoring and why it's vital to your business' success.

Announcing: Code-level insights with Azure Repos

How many times have you been aware of an error or performance issue, but lacked the ability to quickly uncover the root cause and determine why it happened in the first place? One of the most powerful ways to do this is by surfacing code-level insights right where you need them, alongside the context needed to take action. By using our latest integration with Azure Repos, you’ll be able to get to the ‘why’ of issues, faster – all directly within Raygun.
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3 IT Workflow Automation Use Cases to Turbocharge Your Business

According to a recent survey by Gartner, business leaders anticipate a return to growth for their enterprises and industries in 2022, and a big part of their investment plans involve digital transformation. In fact, 20% of CEOs cited digital transformation as a priority for strategic investment. That is a significant shift from 2012 when Gartner found that only 2% of CEOs surveyed had made digital transformation a priority.

Observability And AIOps: Why Convergence Is The Future To Improving Uptime

On October 4, Facebook and its properties, Instagram and WhatsApp, were down for more than five hours due to configuration changes on routers in Facebook’s data centers. A five-hour outage is an eternity in our always-on digital economy, costing the company an estimated $65 million and 4.8% in stock valuation. The high-profile Facebook outage is emblematic of just how digitally intermediated our economy is becoming, and the incident renews C-level focus on preventing similar service failures.

Simpler Navigation in AppSignal: A Story About Refactoring Design

AppSignal users will immediately notice that we’ve updated our product navigation. The new navigation is simpler, cleaner, and improves usability for (power) users. Let’s dive into these changes, along with some background on our philosophy of designing for developers.

Kubernetes 1.23 - What's new?

Kubernetes 1.23 is about to be released, and it comes packed with novelties! Where do we begin? This release brings 45 enhancements, on par with the 56 in Kubernetes 1.22 and the 50 in Kubernetes 1.21. Of those 45 enhancements, 11 are graduating to Stable, a whopping 15 are existing features that keep improving, and 19 are completely new. The new features included in this version are generally small, but really welcomed. Like the kubectl events command, support for OpenAPI v3, or gRPC probes.