The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
As a DevOps Engineer, one day you’re performing magic in the terminal, settling clusters, and feeling like a god. On some other days, you feel like a total fraud and scam. Errors and bugs appear from everywhere, you don’t know where to start, and you don’t know where to look. Sadly, days like this come far too often. To be more specific, what often causes these bad days is none other than Kubernetes itself.
Do you want to give your visitors excellent navigation so they can land on their desired page correctly? Easy navigation around a website is of the up-most importance when it comes to website performance. In this guide we will share a detailed guide for you to make organized website navigations on your site.
One of the positive things that came out of events in 2020 was that many of us started working from home. At first, it was kind of weird. But once we realized that what we needed was available online, it became easier. All we had to do was figure out a few new apps, like Slack, Asana and Google Docs. Then, after a couple of weeks of working from home, many of us started having thoughts like, “I wonder if I could wear shorts and my favorite slippers?
We’ve all experienced a bit of FOMO at one time or another, whether we stayed home sick the night of a party or failed to score tickets to a big concert. It stings to miss out on the fun, but we get over it. In the era of remote work, however, ‘fear of missing out’ has taken on a more consequential meaning – one that is troubling the minds of many young professionals.
The capacity to scale and process high data traffic by monitoring appliances is a critical requirement for organizations aiming to enhance or improve their security and protection from external threats. Excessive incoming traffic demands high-monitoring capabilities as it overwhelms the monitoring tools and places computational bounds that increase exponentially.
After years of helping developers monitor and debug their production systems, we couldn’t help but notice a pattern across many of them: they roughly know that metrics and traces should help them get the answers they need, but they are unfamiliar with how metrics and traces work, and how they fit into the bigger observability world. This post is an introduction to how we see observability in practice, and a loose roadmap for exploring observability concepts in the posts to come.
In 2017, McAfee found that an average enterprise uses 464 custom applications. A large enterprise — a company with over 50,000 employees — uses 788 custom apps! The more applications you have, the more complex your application environment is. This means that you are more susceptible to outages. So, the tolerance for downtime is impossibly low. Mission-critical applications must be available at all times.