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How sparse histograms can improve efficiency, precision, and mergeability in Prometheus TSDB

Grafana Labs recently hosted its first company-wide hackathon, and we joined forces with Björn “Beorn” Rabenstein to bring sparse high-resolution histograms in Prometheus TSDB into a working prototype. The Prometheus TSDB has gained experimental support to store and retrieve these new sparse high-resolution histograms. At PromCon 2021, we presented our exciting, fresh-off-the-presses results from the ongoing project.

What's New in OpenTelemetry: Community, Distributions, and Roadmap

I am honored to be able to talk about Splunk’s investment and commitment to the OpenTelemetry project. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about the latest in the OpenTelemetry community, as well as the instrumentation and data collection distributions available from Splunk. Be sure to read through the whole post, as you will find some roadmap information too!

Who needs CMMC certification (Resource Guide for 2022)

If your company works with the US Department of Defense (DoD) as a contractor or subcontractor, you will need to prepare to meet CMMC requirements in order to successfully bid on and win contracts. This recent development has been a significant adjustment for small organisations who wish to work with or continue working with the DoD.

How to Get Started with JavaScript and InfluxDB

This article was written by Nicolas Bohorquez and was originally published in The New Stack. Scroll below for the author’s picture and bio. Telegraf is the preferred way to collect data for InfluxDB. Though in some use cases, client libraries are better, such as when parsing a stream of server-side events. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to read a data stream, store it as a time series into InfluxDB and run queries over the data using InfluxDB’s JavaScript client library.

A Study in Graylog's Versatility

Recently, I explored the case for Graylog as an outstanding means of aggregating the specialized training data needed to build a successful, customized artificial intelligence (AI) project. Well, that’s true, of course. My larger point, though, was that Graylog is a powerful and flexible solution applicable to a very broad range of use cases (of which AI development is just one).

Understanding why businesses require network topology software

It is crucial for network admins to fully understand their network topology. Even basic troubleshooting can be needlessly complicated without a network topology diagram which is vital for building and maintaining a network. A network topology diagram shows how the various components work together; it shows the devices, connections and pathways of a network visually so you can figure out how devices interact and communicate with one another.

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Hybrid Multi-Cloud Demands Holistic Observability

As I said before, Speed is King. Business requirements for applications and architecture change all the time, driven by changes in customer needs, competition, and innovation and this only seems to be accelerating. Application developers must not be the blocker to business. We need business changes at the speed of life, not at the speed of software development.

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Alerting has landed: Never miss another mission-critical issue again

Time is of the essence when identifying and resolving issues in your software. The longer it takes for a fix to be deployed, the greater the consequences for your customers. Visibility and speed are core to what makes Raygun powerful and is why today we're excited to continue this journey with our latest feature - Alerting.