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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Splunking Netflow with Splunk Stream - Part 2: Basic Netflow Analytics

Hi there, I guess that if you are here, you've already read the first part of this series and want some help to quickly get value from your NetFlow data, building trend analysis and advanced analytics with long term data (i.e months), in addition to playing with real-time data. You can take advantage of Splunk’s super flexible schema on read architecture to exploit your real-time data from the very first moment you get the data in.

LogDNA vs. Logz.io

Logz.io is a SaaS (software as a service) provider with an observability offering made up of various managed open source technologies. These technologies include the Elastic Stack for logging and SIEM (security information and event management), Prometheus, for monitoring, and Jaeger for tracing. The company positions itself as an alternative to the Elastic Stack (or ELK Stack), which is made up of Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Beats.

Keep Gamers Gaming - Application Monitoring for Unity

Given the millions of registered Unity developers worldwide, Unity is arguably the most popular engine used to develop games. But, whether you’re building the latest FPS or a turn-based classic, you need visibility in how your game is performing on a gamer’s device. More than 800 game development and platform companies rely on Sentry, from OutFit7 to Riot, Epic Games, and Unity.

Introducing Cloud Native Observability

The term ‘cloud native’ has become a much-used buzz phrase in the software industry over the last decade. But what does cloud-native mean? The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s official definition is: From this definition, we can differentiate between cloud-native systems and monoliths which are a single service run on a continuously available server. Like Amazon’s AWS or Google Azure, large cloud providers can run serverless and cloud-native systems.