The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
Developers around the world get their news from Changelog, an indie media company on a mission to create inspiring content for software developers. Through their popular podcasts, including The Changelog, Go Time, JS Party, and Ship It!, the team at Changelog helps listeners stay up-to-date on the latest happenings, trends, and tools in a constantly evolving industry.
For you, one or more of these statements (and / or challenges) likely apply to you, and the organization for which you work. Which of these are you hearing or saying? Splunk can help you with these in many ways. Today, I am highlighting one way to address many of these statements, specifically with the Content Pack for Splunk Observability Cloud.
With the demand to meet service level agreements (SLAs), any on-call SRE can tell you that incidents always happen at the wrong time. Things break when you least expect them to (on a date, about to beat a new level in a video game, pizza delivery just arrived, asleep at 3am). During these inopportune moments, you want to make sure it's easy to get the data you need, no matter which device is nearby.
For even the most successful IT organizations, providing innovative solutions is only half the battle. There’s one thing that matters above all else when it comes to solving IT problems: the perspective of the employees.
Microsoft Outlook is the premier enterprise productivity application that has become ubiquitous with managing every aspect of a employees workday. According to Wikipedia, there are around 400 million users for Outlook. You can install Outlook as a standalone desktop app that connects to Exchange Server – Online or On-premises (still!) or the full featured Outlook Web Access (OWA).
Monitoring frontend performance and user behavior is essential to ensure that your application is functioning optimally. Datadog RUM enables you to collect key user data and correlate all of it with frontend performance metrics to track how your pages’ performance affects user behavior.
To have full visibility into modern cloud environments, businesses need to collect an ever-growing avalanche of log data from a range of highly complex data sources. Indexing logs is key for real-time monitoring and troubleshooting, but it can quickly become expensive at high volumes, meaning that organizations often must choose which logs to index and which to archive.