The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
React Native has come a long way since an internal prototype at Facebook to where it is now. The cross-platform framework is now a go-to tool for businesses to develop natively rendered mobile apps for iOS and Android. Thanks to its reduced development time with hot reloading to its focus on runtime performance with natively rendered views, React Native has gained traction with large-scale companies like Shopify and Tesla. Web developers have made the leap from the browser to mobile bringing with them all of their tools and expertise, and it is consistently the most popular cross-platform framework.
PHP has been around for quite a while and has developed its own quirks and characteristics. It has also developed its own flavor of error reporting, which is fairly straightforward. In this post, we’ll show you how easy it is to add error monitoring for PHP.
Good news for Node.js developers using AppSignal: a new version of our Node.js library is available on npm with improved error tracking. We’ve added two new helpers to make your life easier as a Node.js developer. One helper allows you to track errors whenever you need to, no matter how many nested spans you have in your current context. The other lets you send an isolated error with no spans or context involved (for more information about spans, check out our docs).
Observability is a term that is becoming commonplace in both startups and enterprises. Log observability is different from monitoring, as it provides visualized metrics from a variety of different systems in a single pane of glass view. This is invaluable for organizations to understand the interdependencies and links between external events and internal performance.
False positives are sometimes real alerts in disguise. And they can contribute to some major downtime if you don’t resolve them quickly. They can also put quite a strain on your resources trying to figure out why they’re happening, and if you work with third-party providers, errors may be even harder to locate.