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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Facebook Outage Underscores Need for Real-Time Monitoring

On October 4, Facebook and its family of apps, including Instagram and WhatsApp, suffered a global outage of its services that lasted approximately six hours. The massive outage has been blamed on configuration errors in backbone routers that are used to connect network traffic to the company’s data center. Facebook apologized to its 3.5 billion users who were unable to access any of the company’s services during the downtime.

Get started and keep using AWS for free

Getting started with AWS and adding your credit card to your own account feels scary, but there are ways to get free credits so you can sleep better in the beginning. In this article, we’ll cover some tricks and tips to get started and keep using AWS for free. Stepping into some new terrain is hard. This is already true if it’s only about learning something new.

Driving Data Innovation With MLTK v5.3

Many of you may have seen our State of Data Innovation report that we released recently; what better way to bring data and innovation closer together than through Machine Learning (ML)? In fact, according to this report, Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ML was the second most important tool for fueling innovation. So, naturally we have paired this report with a new release of the Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK)!

Monitor the impossible with 2 Steps - Testimonial with Citrix

Having trouble monitoring your Citrix applications? Are you limited by Selenium testing? Automate and measure workflows and user journeys Find all your performance data within Splunk With 2 Steps Synthetic Monitoring"2 Steps is a Citrix Ready Partner providing valuable synthetic monitoring capabilities for applications being accessed via Citrix.” John Panagulias Director Citrix Ready Citrix
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Application Logging in 2021

Have you ever written a Hello, World! application? In most of these tutorials the first step is to log words to the console. It's an easy way to understand what is going on with your application and readily available in every programming language. The console output is incredibly powerful, and it has become easier than ever to capture that output as logs. As your application grows and evolves you need to implement a structured application log approach.

Facebook outage highlights need for DNS monitoring

If you were one of billions of frustrated users of Facebook who weren’t able to access their accounts Monday, rest assured in knowing that downtime is a thing of the distant past and the mega-social media platform is back online. End users can now relax knowing that the brush fire has been extinguished. Remarkably, the nearly seven-hour outage could not be attributed to the deluge of recent high-profile attacks on government, enterprise, and educational servers throughout the world.

Rollbar Pro Tips: Merging Items

Item merging allows you to combine multiple items into one 'group' for easier management and more accurate metrics. All past and future occurrences of any merged items will automatically be combined. Rollbar is the leading continuous code improvement platform that proactively discovers, predicts, and remediates errors with real-time AI-assisted workflows. With Rollbar, developers continually improve their code and constantly innovate rather than spending time monitoring, investigating, and debugging.

5 things to look for in a third-party monitoring tool

A key finding from Redgate’s recent State of Database Monitoring Survey of over 2,500 IT professionals was that 79% of respondents reported using either a third-party or in-house monitoring tool. It’s notable because it’s an increase of 10 percentage points from the same survey last year – and the satisfaction rate with third-party monitoring tools also saw an increase of 18 percentage points to 86%.